The UofM catalog is made available electronically by the University of Memphis. Requirements in this catalog are valid for students whose initial enrollment occurs Fall 2020-Summer 2021. This catalog is valid through Summer 2027.
Online Catalog Features
- The UofM online catalog offers a unique feature called My Portfolio.
- My Portfolio allows you to record and track your favorite programs, courses, and other areas of the catalog that interest you.
- The catalog is searchable using keywords for the categories: program, courses, other catalog content or entire catalog.
- Each course and program page is printable.
My Portfolio
- The My Portfolio link is located in the left navigation menu of the catalog.
- To create your portfolio account, click on the My Portfolio link and follow the directions.
- To access your portfolio account at any time, click on the My Portfolio link
- There are “Add to Portfolio” links located throughout the online catalog for your convenience. These links allow you to add program descriptions, requirements, and courses to your portfolio for future reference.
- Please consult an advisor to ensure that you are storing information within your portfolio that is relevant to your catalog year.
Catalog Icon Guide

Catalog Applicability:
The UofM catalog is made available electronically by the University of Memphis. Requirements in this catalog are valid for students whose initial enrollment occurs Fall 2020-Summer 2021. This catalog is valid through Summer 2027.
The University of Memphis (UofM) reserves the right to cancel or alter any part of this catalog without notice (subject to the following): The course offerings and requirements of the University of Memphis are continually under examination and revision. This catalog presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication, but is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. The specific courses or activities constituting the degree requirements for any programs are subject to state contractual terms and does not constitute a contract between the student and the UofM.
UofM reserves the right to make changes as required in course offerings, curricula, academic policies and other rules and regulations affecting students to be effective whenever determined by the institution. These changes will govern current and formerly enrolled students. Enrollment of all students is subject to these conditions. Any fees, charges or costs, and all academic regulations set forth in this catalog are subject to change at any time, and all courses, programs, and activities described in this catalog are subject to cancellation or termination by the UofM at any time.
General Information:
The catalog will be published annually by March and only approved programs, minors, concentrations, and courses will appear in the latest production of the catalog. A printed copy of the catalog is no longer available; however, a print-friendly capability of the catalog management system is offered and available.
Submission Timeline:
University Undergraduate Curriculum (UUC) meetings are held the second Friday of each month. From September to February, our curriculum season, the catalog is in production for the next academic year for curriculum updates and proposals via Curriculog™. Last date for proposals for an academic year will be the second week of January following a publishing date by March. Final approval for changes will be at the discretion of the managers of the catalog content. All revisions and updates have an effective term at the start of an academic year, which is our Fall session.
Please Note: Once the University of Memphis online catalog is published and locked only minor revisions, by catalog managers, are allowed to correct inaccuracies after a curriculum season has ended.
Submitting Updates:
Editors of their college and school sections of the catalog will have from September until the end of February to make revisions to their respective areas in the catalog after each UUC meeting has concluded. Editors will be responsible and only have access to their specific content areas of the catalog. However, editors will also have access to make minor revisions throughout the curriculum season from September to February. When changes are completed in Acalog™ please use the “Complete Audit Event Alert” feature in Acalog™ and select “Registrar Group” to send notification of an audit item. You may add comments to this section, if needed.
Deans, Chairs, and Non-Academic sections will be provided a preview of their content for any revisions before final publication.
Managers are system administrators of the catalog and can make edits and updates as needed. For departments and schools who do not have a designee a catalog manager will be responsible for adding their updates.
Reviewers have read-only access to an unpublished catalog during the curriculum season.
Courses will be added only by the Registrar Group. Please remember course descriptions should be clear and must be indicative of the course title.
Catalog Style Guideline:
The catalog is not intended as a guideline for academic writing. The editorial style is for university-related matters, such as the approved names of schools, colleges, departments, and service areas.
Contact Us:
The management of the catalog content works in conjunction with the Provost, UUC, colleges, and department personnel at the University of Memphis for accuracy. We reserve the right to make changes to the catalog as needed. You may contact us at for questions and concerns.
Revisions to Catalog:
ANTH 4220 added back to Environmental Studies Minor. 9/24/2020
MUTC 2103 added back to Music-Commercial Music Performance Concentration, (B.M.), 10/8/2020
EECE 3211 added the corequisite course information. 11/9/2020
HPRM 4101, updated description to reflect sastisfactory/unsatisfactory grade instead of pass/fail. 12/7/2020