Sep 27, 2024  

Course Descriptions-Undergraduate

Courses offered only online or both online and on-ground are indicated with (**)asterisks.  Some courses described in this catalog may require additional fees.


Computer Science

  • COMP 4310 - Wireless Mobile Comp

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Internet architecture and design; IPv4 and IPv6 ; routing algorithms, TCP congestion control; peer-to-peer applications, wireless LAN, mobile IP, mobile ad hoc networks; wireless sensor networks. (F) PREREQUISITE: COMP 3825 .

  • COMP 4410 - Computer Security

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Confidentiality, integrity, availability, methods and protocols in cryptography, digital signature, authentication, bit commitment; security in computing, programs, databases, operating systems; secure communication, secure channel, public key infrastructure, certificates; digital evidence, forensics tools; monitor and response; legal and ethical issues; risk management, security administration. (F) PREREQUISITE: COMP 2150   or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4420 - Network and Mobile Security

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Security issues and solutions in wireless and mobile networks. Topics include web security (web security model, web application security, session management and user authentication, HTTPS, etc.), network security (security issues in Internet protocols, network defense tools, DoS attacks, etc.) and mobile security (mobile platform security models, mobile threats and malware, etc.) PREREQUISITE: COMP 3825 or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4430 - Digital Forensics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Description: Acquisition and investigation of evidence from all devices capable of storing digital data related to the prosecution of cybercrime and fraud.  Course introduces the process of forensic investigation, chain of custody, forensic analysis, court proceedings and the legal justice system.  It includes an examination of digital storage and network traffic from personal computers,enterprise systems, embedded devices, and mobiles. Laboratory student exercises will use the tools and techniques of digital forensics investigators. PREREQUISITE: COMP 3825   and COMP 4270   or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4432 - Secure Coding and Testing

    Credit Hours: 3
    Description: Covers secure programming practices necessary to develop applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Penetration Testing Concepts: Server-side Attacks, Client-side Attacks, Web Application Testing–Fuzz Testing, File Inclusion Vulnerabilities. PREREQUISITE: COMP 4410  and COMP 4081   or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4480 - Introduction to Natural Language Processing

    Credit Hours: 3

    Fundamental concepts and techniques of statistical machine learning approaches to natural language processing. Topics include probability and statistics, language and classification models, syntax, parsing and semantics, topic models, information extraction, question answering, dialog and fairness, applications of neural models. PREREQUISITE:

    COMP 2150 or COMP 4001 or IIS 4511

  • COMP 4517 - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: How do we design interfaces and digital systems that users are excited to interact with? How do we analyze or evaluate the systems we create? In this course, students will learn user-centered research methods for data collection, data analysis, system design and prototyping through a series of team projects. 

  • COMP 4601 - Models of Computation

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Computer models as basis for the understanding and analysis of programming, computation and complexity; machine models (finite-state, stack and Turing machines); linguistic models (grammars, lambda calculus, predicate calculi); biologically-inspired models (e.g. neural nets or genetic algorithms); unsolvability, universality, decidability, feasibility. (F, Sp) PREREQUISITE: COMP 4030 , or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4720 - Intro Artificial Intelligence

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Fundamentals of programming in LISP; central ideas of artificial intelligence, including heuristic search, problem solving slot-and-filler structures; knowledge representation. (F) PREREQUISITE: COMP 2150 or permission of instructor. Cross listing: (Same as EECE 4720)

  • COMP 4730 - Expert Systems

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Fundamentals of programming PROLOG, central ideas of expert system development, including knowledge representation, control structures, tools, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge engineering. (Sp) PREREQUISITE: COMP 2700  and COMP 4030 , or permission of instructor. Cross listing: (Same as EECE 4730 )

  • COMP 4731 - Data Visualization

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to the terminology, methodology, and applications of data visualization. Methods for visualizing data from a variety of engineering and scientific fields including both static and time varying data and methods for generating both surface and volume visualizations. (F) PREREQUISITE: EECE 3221  or COMP 2150 , or permission of instructor. Cross listing: (Same as EECE 4731 )

  • COMP 4741 - Intro to Neural Networks

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: The course aims to explore neural network models and deep learning algorithms enabled by increased computational power and larger data sets. Case studies will be described in various applications to practical problems in various domains such as data analysis, forecasting, decision making and, more recently, modeling complex phenomena. Students will get hands on experience on software platforms to solve a significant problem in a term project of their choice. PREREQUISITE: COMP 2150 and MATH 3242, or permission of instructor. Cross listing: EECE 4741, EECE 6741

  • COMP 4745 - Intro to Machine Learning

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Overview of machine learning. Hypotheses spaces, concept learning, supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning; classification and clustering; Bayesian methods; active learning. PREREQUISITE: COMP 2150 , or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4882 - Capstone Software Proj

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Development of significant team project; continuation of COMP 4081 ; software project management; risk assessment. software requirements and specifications; software design; software validation; professional and ethical responsibilities. (Sp) PREREQUISITE: COMP 3115 , COMP 4030 , and COMP 4081 , or permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4901 - Ind Study Computer Science

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Directed individual study of selected areas of computer science.  Only 3 hours can be applied towards COMP electives.  Those hours that are not applied towards the COMP electives can be applied towards free electives. May be repeated by permission for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

  • COMP 4911 - Internship Computer Science

    Credit Hours: (1-6)
    Description: Practical experience in computer science. Students placed for some time with governmental or private organizations. Project must be approved and supervised by department faculty. Academic credit granted upon certification of the cooperating agency and acceptance by supervising faculty of student’s written report.  Only 3 hours can be applied towards COMP electives.  Those hours that are not applied towards the COMP electives can be applied towards free electives. May be repeated for up to a total of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of supervising faculty member. (S/U)

  • COMP 4980 - Senior Thesis

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Research conducted under the supervision of faculty member and with permission of Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

  • COMP 4990-4999 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Topics are varied and in online class listings. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • AUSP 2001 - Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course is designed to introduce the broad field of Communication Sciences and Disorders by exploring the areas of treatment, populations that are served, and settings in which individuals with Communication Disorders and Differences are served.

  • AUSP 4001 - Accent Modification

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: This course is an individually directed study of standard pronunciation, stress patterns, and intonation of American English for speakers of English as a foreign language. It is focused toward students who desire to improve their speech intelligibility in American English. Permission of instructor required. (S/U).

  • AUSP 4006 - Language & Speech Development

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Normal acquisition of speech and language in young children, contemporary theories of language acquisition, bilingual differences, and early literacy and play skills. Cross listing: AUSP 6006

  • AUSP 4106 - Introduction to Audiology

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to anatomy and physiology of the ear; the etiology, pathology and treatment of hearing loss; and the education implications of hearing loss; also introduces hearing assessment techniques, including audiogram interpretation. Cognate: AUSP 6106.

  • AUSP 4300 - Autism: Communication and Socialization

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Nature and origin of autism, presenting up-to-date information about proposed causes, both genetic and environmental. The course will also provide a view of progress made in treatment of autism, especially when identification of the disorder can be made early in life.

  • AUSP 4301 - Survey of Neurological Disorders for Rehabilitation Professionals

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: An applied interprofessional framework will be used throughout the course to integrate neuropathology and basic understanding of neural structure and function with the teamwork and communication skills needed to work effectively on a health care team. Invited professionals with expertise in a variety of neurological disorders will provide interprofessional clinical-case experiences. Cross listing: AUSP 6301

Counseling and Personnel Services

  • COUN 1661 - Career Development

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Relationship of interests, aptitudes and careers. Includes exploration of work settings and activities to support individual career planning. Students expected to investigate work settings, relate this investigation to academic programs, and utilize this information in individual career development.

  • COUN 4002 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Opportunity for self directed study and/or research under the supervision of faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours credit. PREREQUISITE: consent of faculty member. (S/U).

  • COUN 4010-4015 - Special Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Topics varied and in the online class listings.

  • COUN 4611 - Intro to Counseling

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Exploration of history, principles and administration of counseling services in community agencies, schools, business and industry; survey of applicable counseling services, skills and techniques.

  • COUN 4621 - Human Interactions

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Human relations exercises and other personal experiences related to effective learning climates. Includes communication skills for working in groups, one-to-one relationships, and identification and referral of persons to appropriate resources.

  • COUN 4781 - Strategy/Crisis Intervention

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Process of crisis intervention; study and practice in understanding crisis induced dysfunctional behavior, recognizing crisis situations, and crisis counseling procedures.

  • COUN 4783 - Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Survey of human services for treating alcoholics and substance abusers. Overview of treatment strategies and philosophies.

  • COUN 4901 - Princ/Tech/Rehab Counseling

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Overview of broad field of rehabilitation, including philosophical, social, psychological, and legal basis of rehabilitation, professional practice, counselor’s role and function in the rehabilitation process.

  • COUN 4913 - Medical/Psyc Aspects/Rehab

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Orientation to medical aspects of rehabilitation; basic medical terminology, bodily systems, and DSM diagnosis; theories, application, and research in psychological adjustment of individuals with disabilities; understanding of impact of external/environmental conditions on lives of individuals with disabilities.

  • COUN 4921 - Vocational Dev/Occupation Info

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Collection, evaluation, and use of occupational, educational, and related information in rehabilitation; familiarity with development of job descriptions and vocational surveys; study of labor market trends and theories of occupational choice.

Creative Mass Media

  • CRMM 4140 - Publication Design

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4140
    Description: Advanced skills and techniques for design of printed media, including magazine and newspaper design; emphasis on story and page design, graphics, headlines and other display typography; approaches to print design presentation on digital platforms. PREREQUISITE: JRSM 3900 . Cross listing: ART 4140  

  • CRMM 4220 - Print Communication Design

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4220
    Description: Practical problems in areas of publication, information, corporate and promotional design.  PREREQUISITE: JRSM 3900 or Permission of Instructor. Cross listing: (Same as ART 4220 

  • CRMM 4500 - Web Publish I: html/CSS

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4500
    Description: Introduction of web design software Dreamweaver and web design concept; basic knowledge of web markup language html and cascading style sheets (CSS) via hand code training; development of website projects incorporating multimedia elements; incorporation of various content management system (CMS) in portfolio setup. PREREQUISITE: JRSM 3900 . Cross listing: ART 4500

  • CRMM 4526 - Photojournalism

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4526
    Description: Advanced skills and photojournalism techniques for still photography and video; emphasis on action, sports, fashion, food, and portraits. PREREQUISITE: JOUR 3526 . Cross listing: ART 4526

  • CRMM 4550 - Web Publish II: html/CSS

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4550
    Description: Creation and development of website projects; systematic training in writing html codes; focused learning of cascading style sheet (CSS); final production of a multimedia project. PREREQUISITE: CRMM 4500   Cross listing: ART 4550

  • CRMM 4560 - Interactive Media Design

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4560
    Description: Creation and development of interactive news stories for web using ActionScript; integrating writing and reporting, designing and presenting audio, video, slideshows elements in production of a multimedia story. PREREQUISITE: CRMM 4500   Cross listing: ART 4560 

  • CRMM 4600 - Creative Social Video

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Instruction, training, practice and analysis on YouTube channel development, including research, organization, branding, and content presentation skills. The course will focus on effective production and editing concepts as they relate to video, audio and graphic design. PREREQUISITE: JRSM 2121 and JOUR 3526

  • CRMM 4900 - Creative Media Lab

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: Advanced Visual Media

    JOUR 4900
    Description: Planning, development, design and execution of a multimedia project for print and digital display application, including data visualization, illustration, branding, video and photography. PREREQUISITE: Student must have earned 75 credit hours plus ADVR 3324. Either ADVR 3310 or JOUR 3526.

  • CRMM 4920 - Information Design

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: JOUR 4920
    Description: Visual presentation of quantitative and spatial information. Examines the planning, design, and preparation of statistical graphs, charts, timelines, diagrams, and maps. PREREQUISITE: JRSM 3900 or JRSM 3905  Cross listing: ART 4920  

Criminology and Criminal Justice

  • CJA 3230 - Police Org/Admin

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course provides the foundation for understanding the American law enforcement system by introducing essential elements of American law enforcement organization and practices. The main focus of the course is to examine the development of early policing and modern law enforcement systems; recruitment and training process; the structure and function of the police; legal issues that affect policing; and current issues and problems in the field of law enforcement.

  • CJUS 1100 - Intro/Criminal Justice **

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: (TBR: CRMJ 1010)
    Description: Introduction to American criminal justice system in its three dimensions: Police, courts, and corrections, tracing its development from ancient and early English beginnings to present time.

    High Impact Practice Code: Study Abroad
  • CJUS 2110 - Comparative Justice System

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Overview of justice systems of various countries, focusing primarily on substantive and philosophical relationships between the subsystems and the society they serve.

  • CJUS 2120 - Contemporary Issues CJUS

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Overview of current problems facing the criminal justice system; causation, potential consequences, potential solutions of crime problems.

  • CJUS 2140 - Crime/Public Policy/CJ System

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Social construction, social causes, and explanations for criminal behavior. Evaluation and assessment of the major explanations of criminal behavior. Crime control and crime prevention strategies as they relate to theory, policy, and practice. Key criminological concepts, measurement of crime and delinquency, victimization, public opinion, and crime control strategies and policies. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 .

  • CJUS 2226 - Introduction to Police **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to law enforcement, emphasizing the functions, operations, and practical realities of crime control in American society; career opportunities within criminal justice. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 .

  • CJUS 2326 - Introduction to Courts

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to American courts, emphasizing the functions, operations, and practical realities of crime control in American society; career opportunities within criminal justice. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 .

  • CJUS 2426 - Intro/Corrections in America **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to corrections, emphasizing the functions, operations, and practical realities of crime control in American society; career opportunities with criminal justice. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 .

  • CJUS 3129 - Statistical Methods/CJUS

    Credit Hours: (4)
    Description: Statistical methods commonly utilized in criminal justice research; emphasis on descriptive and inferential statistics, measures of significance, and interpretation of results; introduction to statistics software. Three lecture hours, two laboratory hours per week. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 , and MATH 1710 , MATH 1830  or MATH 1910 .

  • CJUS 3130 - Research Methods CJUS **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Techniques commonly utilized in criminal justice research, emphasis on research design, methods of data collection, measurement of variables, analytical strategies for describing and making decisions using data, and threats to validity and reliability. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100  and either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 .

  • CJUS 3226 - Police in America **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Comparative analysis of problems, procedures, organization, and functions of effective police organization; examination of advanced police strategies and evaluation of their effectiveness. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130  and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 3326 - Courts in America

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Exploration and analysis of structure, process, personnel, policy, and legal theory in the American judicial system; examination of specialized and innovative courts and evaluation of their effectiveness. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130  and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 3426 - Corrections in America **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Concepts of organizational behavior applied to probation, parole, community-based corrections, prisons, and other detention facilities, with emphasis on their history and practice; examination of specialized programs and evaluation of their effectiveness. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130  and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 3510 - Law and Society

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Law as system of control and as mechanism for resolution of conflict; relationship of law to political, economic and social systems critically analyzed and development of legal profession studied.

  • CJUS 3521 - Constitutional Crmnl Procedure **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: General application of U.S. constitution principles to investigative and prosecutorial process of the criminal justice system; emphasis on requirements of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments as they relate to arrest, search, and seizure, interrogation and identification procedures, trial and appellate proceedings.

  • CJUS 3540 - Criminology**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Examination and explanation of crime including sociological, economic, psychological, and biological theories of crime causation; theories examined in light of criminal justice data. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426.  

  • CJUS 3542 - Crime and Criminal Behavior

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Classification of crime and typical elements involved in each type of crime, classification of criminal offenders and salient career variables associated with each type of offender relative to background, crime, and career prognosis. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426. 

  • CJUS 4010-4019 - Special Topics in Criminal Justice

    Credit Hours: (1-6)
    Description: Topics are varied and in online class listings.

  • CJUS 4100 - Ind Dir Studies

    Credit Hours: (1-6)
    Description: Individual directed reading and research in special areas of interest in field of criminal justice. NOTE: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of department chair.

  • CJUS 4110 - Senior Capstone in CJUS**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Selected special issues integrating theory and empirical research with the evolving field of criminal justice practice, programs, and policy. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130  and CJUS 3540 , and senior standing in CJUS, or permission of department chair.

  • CJUS 4125 - Crime and the Media

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Crime and the Media will examine the attributes, structure, history and types of criminal organizations and how they are depicted in movies, television and the print media. Cross listing: N/A

  • CJUS 4126 - CJUS Admin and Mgmt

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Management philosophies for administration of criminal justice agencies; focus on organizational behavior, theories of management, planning and budgeting, administrative legal issues, and administrative problems unique to the criminal justice system. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426. 

  • CJUS 4130 - Ethical Dilemmas in Criminology and Criminal Justice**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Legal, moral, and social implications of ethical dilemmas in criminal justice, including police use of deadly force, police discretion, victimless crimes, surveillance, enforcement of unpopular laws, use of informers, plea bargaining, judicial discretion, and capital punishment; subcultural norms and dilemmas they present to criminal justice practitioners. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426.  

  • CJUS 4150 - Internship Criminal Justice

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Experience in actual criminal justice setting; both department and agency supervise and direct student program. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. PREREQUISITE: permission of department chair, permit required. (S/U)

  • CJUS 4152 - Drug Misuse and Abuse

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: CJUS 3152
    Description: Cultural and medical aspects of use of alcohol and various other drugs; consideration of roles of law enforcement and corrections in these areas.

  • CJUS 4160 - Forensic Sciences **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Forensic specialties in terms of their history, scientific rationale upon which each is based, and problems that may compromise accuracy or validity; introduction to field techniques and analysis of evidence. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4170 - Prevention/Deterrence Crime

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Theoretical and practical strategies for crime prevention and deterrence. Social, environmental, and mechanical developments; police, courts, and correctional elements of criminal justice system analyzed in terms of current effectiveness and future potential for crime suppression. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4180 - Corporate/White Collar Crime **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Organizational and occupational crime compared to other types of criminality; emphasis on causes, frequency, control, and social impact. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426. 

  • CJUS 4190 - Terrorism Soc/Legl Prsp **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Theoretical and ideological aspects of practice of and response to international and domestic terrorism; terrorism as crime from political, social. economic, historical, and legal perspectives. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 .

  • CJUS 4233 - Organized Crime

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Nature, structure, characteristics, and investigation of syndicated crime; its impact on social and economic conditions in this country. PREREQUISITE: .CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426. 

  • CJUS 4460 - Race, Ethnicity and Justice in America**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Race, ethnicity, and justice in the American system of criminal justice; examining how practices of criminal justice reflect societal organization, conflict, and social change.

  • CJUS 4520 - Criminal Law

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Substance of the crime, including common-law sources and basic principles, types of offenses, responsibility, justification and excuse, and related areas. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4530 - Criminal Procedure

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Rules of evidence and matters of proof affecting criminal investigation in investigatory and prosecutive stages of criminal justice; socio-legal aspect of basic rules of evidence, including hearsay rules, impeachment, materiality and relevancy, privilege, eyewitness identification. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4531 - Constitutional Law

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Issues in constitutional rights related to criminal defendants; exclusionary rule; application of 1st Amendment to criminal law; due process, equal protection; examination of civil and criminal remedies for protecting and vindicating constitutional rights. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3130 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4533 - Juvenile Delinq Theory/Process

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Theories of juvenile delinquency, gang activities, and status offenses; history, organization programs and procedures of agencies charged with control and prevention of juvenile delinquency including police, juvenile units, juvenile court, and juvenile correctional agencies. PREREQUISITE: CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 , and CJUS 3540 .

  • CJUS 4535 - Capital Punishment/America

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Social science research on death penalty in United States; legal history of death penalty; structure of modern capital trials and appeals; wrongful death convictions; racial disparities; jury decisionmaking; life histories of capital defendants; deterrence, brutalization, incapacitation; human costs of murder and execution. PREREQUISITE: .CJUS 1100 , either CJUS 2226  or CJUS 2326  or CJUS 2426 .

  • CJUS 4542 - Victimology **

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Analysis of victim’s role in criminal event; victim interaction with offender, criminal justice system, and others involved in event; evidenced by current and historical research findings. PREREQUISITE: senior standing or permission of instructor.

  • CJUS 4560 - Criminology of Violence and Culture

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Analysis on the major ideas on the nature of violence; theoretical paradigms for examining the nexus between violence and society. Understanding social factors which shape violence and how the context of violent actions contribute to understanding. Varying types of violence will be highlighted as to understand intent and cultural relevance.

  • CJUS 4565 - Intimate Partner Violence and Victimization

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Covers the types of offenders, victims, and victimizations that can occur in intimate partner violence. Analyzes specific policy recommendations within the realm of policing, courts, and corrections necessary to manage and address intimate partner violence.

  • CJUS 4570 - Gender, Crime, and Justice in America

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Gender in the American system of criminal justice; examining how practices of criminal justice reflect societal organization, conflict, and social change. [G]

  • CJUS 4999 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Independent research project conducted under direction of faculty supervisor. Open only to Honors students in Criminology and Criminal Justice. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.


  • DANC 1000 - Introduction to Dance Science

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to the field of Dance Science. Career opportunities within the field will be investigated. The course will provide a basic understanding of dance science and nutrition and its application to dance technique and training, anatomically sound dance pedagogy, and safe and appropriate uses of the body in choreography.

  • DANC 1151 - Introduction to Dance

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Comprehensive study of dance as an expressive art form, a symbolic language, and an integral aspect of world cultures; emphasis on developing both aesthetic response and critical skills through an analysis of major dance forms, styles, and genres. [G]

    High Impact Practice Code: Learning Community
  • DANC 1821 - Beginning Contemporary Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Introduction to modern dance techniques; emphasis on exploration of fundamentals of dance. For student with little or no previous experience in modern dance. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit with permission of instructor.

  • DANC 1825 - Beginning Ballet

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Introduction to classical ballet technique; emphasis on barre and center floor work. For student with little or no previous experience in ballet. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours with permission of instructor.

  • DANC 1827 - Beginning Jazz

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: History and culture of traditional and contemporary jazz dance techniques. For student with little or no previous experience in jazz dance. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours with permission of instructor.

  • DANC 1831 - Beginning Tap

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Introduction to basics of rhythm tap, including technique, traditional movement vocabulary, rhythmic sensibility, history and development of individual style. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit.

  • DANC 2101 - Dance Improvisation

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Elements of space, time and force; their interrelationships and their specific applications to movement sequences; experiences in spontaneous development of dance phrases. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit. (Offered alternate years).

  • DANC 2821 - Intermediate Contemporary Dance

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Intermediate contemporary dance techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours PREREQUISITE: DANC 1821 , or permission of instructor.

  • DANC 2825 - Intermediate Ballet

    Credit Hours: (2) Former: Ballet II
    Description: Intermediate ballet techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit hours. PREREQUISITE: Two semesters of DANC 1825  or permission of instructor.

  • DANC 2827 - Intermediate Jazz

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Intermediate jazz dance techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit NOTE: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: DANC 1821  , DANC 1827  , DANC 1825  , or permission of instructor.

  • DANC 3101 - History of Dance I

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Focus on the significant developments in teaching, training methodologies, theory, composition, and performance practices in the history of dance in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. (Offered alternate years). PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor (W)

  • DANC 3201 - Dance Movement Analysis

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Theory and methods of analyzing and describing dance movement. Varied semester topics: dance notation, Laban movement analysis, Bartenieff fundamentals, rhythmic analysis, kinetic awareness and body alignment techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. (Offered alternate years).

  • DANC 3202 - History of Dance II

    Credit Hours: 3

    The study of the evolution, trends, and individuals creating dance during the 20th and 21st centuries with specific emphasis on the significant role of BIPOC culture. (Alternate years) Prerequisite: DANC 3101, or permission of instructor. PREREQUISITE: DANC 3101, or permission of instructor.

  • DANC 3301 - World Dance

    Credit Hours: 3
    Description: Exploration of the historical / cultural contexts of traditional / popular dance from a non-European perspective. Techniques to include but not be limited to: Latin, Indian, African, and Asian dance forms. Lecture / Lab. Depending on instructor availability, the course may be fully dedicated to one dance form / region for the semester. May be repeated up to 12-credit hours with permission of instructor. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor

  • DANC 3825 - Advanced Ballet

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Advanced ballet technique. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

  • DANC 3826 - Musical Theatre Dance I

    Credit Hours: (2)
    Description: Study of musical theatre dance performance styles through preparation and performance of selection from standard repertory; development of technical mastery of musical theatre dance vocabulary, character driven dance performance. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.


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