Feb 16, 2025  


Degree Program and Planning

Each student is responsible for fulfilling all of the requirements for the degree program being pursued and for following the procedures and regulations as stated in the Catalog in effect when entering college. The catalog is valid for seven years. Students should keep a copy of the catalog they enter under until they graduate from The University of Memphis. Assistance from an advisor is helpful in planning the program of studies and in selecting the specific courses to be taken for each semester.

Graduation from the university section of the catalog outlines the minimum university level degree requirements. Some colleges specify the exact manner in which the university level requirements must be met. In addition to these, the student must fulfill the college level requirements for the degree and the major requirements. If the admission or retention standards for a particular college or department differ from the university requirements, they will be listed in the college degree program description. If they do not, the university requirements apply. The guidelines below will be helpful in planning which program to follow.

  • Read the catalog to investigate what options are available.
  • Consult with an academic advisor in the Academic Counseling Center and the colleges that offer majors which are of interest to you;
    Talk with the departmental faculty in these areas of interest.
  • Take advantage of the counseling offerings of the Counseling, Tutoring and Testing (Testing, Career Counseling, Personal and Psychological Counseling, and the Educational Support Program). 
  • Become familiar with the Academic Regulations  section of the catalog; determine the grades that are needed to insure retention and graduation as well as honors classifications in the university and in individual programs.
  • If you are undecided about a major area, begin your program of studies with those courses required for all degrees.

After a major has been chosen:

  • Consult with your advisor to determine what procedures are necessary to declare a major;
  • Read the entire section of the catalog that relates to the degree and major selected; note all degree requirements listed for the college such as the number of hours required within the college and outside the college and the number of upper division hours required; list all the University General Education Program Requirements required for the college or obtain a degree sheet from the college advisor; note the major requirements (when choices are allowed, be sure to consult with your major advisor);
  • Plan your coursework semester by semester; try to complete all of your lower division courses (1000-2000) during your first two years; be sure to check for prerequisites before enrolling in any courses, especially upper division courses; take the courses in the proper sequence.

TN eCampus:

The University of Memphis offers over 300 online courses through the TN eCampus initiative. When you enroll in a TN eCampus online course, you enroll as a University of Memphis student and your courses will appear on your transcript as University of Memphis courses. You can review general course syllabus at the TN eCampus course list site. 

Please note not all courses listed are offered by the University of Memphis or satisfy degree requirements. You MUST check with your academic advisor to verify which courses are offered and if they will satisfy requirements for your particular academic program. 

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