Mar 06, 2025  

Admission Regulations

Admission to the Graduate School is open to anyone holding a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from an accredited college or university. In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made. Applicants should have completed undergraduate or graduate work of sufficient quality and scope to enable them to successfully pursue graduate study. The University of Memphis offers equal educational opportunity to all persons without regard to race, religion, sex, creed, color, national origin or disability.

Students are admitted to the University of Memphis through a cooperative effort of the Graduate School and the departments, colleges, and schools of the University. When the Graduate School receives the student’s application material, an official file is established and reviewed. The department then reviews the application file and makes a recommendation to the Graduate School. The Graduate School notifies applicants as soon as a decision has been reached.

Applicants are required to meet admissions criteria established by the Graduate School in order to enroll in graduate courses. In order to be admitted to a degree program in any academic unit, applicants are also required to meet any additional standards set by the unit or college. Applicants are selected on a competitive basis and, therefore, admission is not granted to all applicants who meet only the minimum requirements. Past behavior and classroom performance can be considered in admissions decisions. Some academic programs have individual application forms and additional requirements such as portfolios, proficiency examinations, auditions, etc.

Individual program requirements described in the University of Memphis Graduate Bulletin 2022-2023, are subject to change. Please contact the academic department or the Graduate School for changes. Domestic graduate admission applications will only be accepted through the Graduate Admissions application system. The Office of Admissions no longer accepts hard-copy (paper) applications. Please visit the Graduate School directory for more information on each program. Deadlines and requirements may differ for each program.

Prospective students should check with the appropriate program for specific deadlines and admissions requirements. For admission to a degree program, applicants should allow approximately three to six weeks from date of receipt of complete application for the necessary credentials to be processed by the appropriate degree program and the Graduate School. Applicants are urged to apply early to ensure full consideration. Late domestic applicants may be admitted as graduate non-degree students and as such are not guaranteed placement in specific programs; some classes may be closed to non-degree students. International applicants should allow at least four months for the application process; International students matriculated into degree programs at other educational institutions in the United States may be eligible for admission as non-degree students into the University of Memphis.  International students who are using an I-20 from the University of Memphis to obtain their F1 visa, however, cannot be admitted as non-degree students.

All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee ($35.00 for domestic applicants; $60.00 for international applicants), unless previously paid. Applications received without the application fee will not be processed.

The University of Memphis requires all applicants born after January 1957 to have had the measles (MMR) vaccination after January 1, 1980, in order to be admitted. See “Miscellaneous Information” for additional information.

The applicant is advised to have all credentials on file well in advance (preferable six weeks) of the beginning of the term for which application is made.

See “Admission of International Students” for details about additional requirements for international applicants.

All credentials become the property of the University and will not be forwarded or returned. If the applicant does not enroll, credentials will be maintained in active files for 12 months, after which they will be destroyed. After that time, candidates must reapply for admission and submit a new set of credentials if they wish to be admitted to the Graduate School. Students who do not enroll for a Fall or Spring semester must apply for readmission.

Residency Classification

All determinations concerning the classification of students as in-state or out-of-state for fee purposes are made in the Admissions Office. The determinations are based on regulations and guidelines of the state of Tennessee. If, for any reason, there is a question about a student’s state residency classification for fee payment purposes, the student is responsible for requesting a review of their residency status before classes begin. Requests for review should be made to the Admissions Office.


The public institutions of higher education in the State of Tennessee shall apply uniform rules, as described in these regulations, for the purpose of making admission decisions and determining whether out-of-state tuition shall be charged to a student enrolling at the University of Memphis (“University”). These rules are promulgated in accordance with the principle that as a state, tax-supported institution, the University extends preference in admission and tuition to residents of the state of Tennessee.


  1. Continuous enrollment: Continuously enrolled: Attendance at a school or schools in the state of Tennessee shall be deemed “continuous” if the person claiming continuous attendance has been enrolled at a public higher education institution in Tennessee as a part-time or full-time student. Such person need not enroll in summer sessions or other such inter-sessions beyond the normal academic year in order that his or her enrollment be deemed continuous, notwithstanding lapses in enrollment occasioned solely by the scheduling of the commencement and/or termination of the academic year.
  2. Domicile: A physical presence in the state of Tennessee with simultaneous intent to make Tennessee one’s permanent home and place of habitation and abandonment of any former domicile.
  3. Emancipated/independent student: A student whose parents or legal guardian/custodian have entirely surrendered the right to the care, custody, and earnings of such person and who no longer are under any legal obligation to support or maintain such emancipated/independent person.
  4. Parents: a person’s father or mother. If there is a non-parental guardian or legal custodian of an un-emancipated person, then “parent” shall mean such guardian or legal custodian; provided, that there are not circumstances indicating that such guardianship or custodianship was created primarily for the purpose of conferring the status of an in-state student on such un-emancipated person.
  5. Performance based program: Recognized University programs with entrance criteria based on clearly established academic standards or satisfactory program participation that must be maintained to continue participation in the program.
  6. U.S. Armed Forces: the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.


A student will be considered a Tennessee resident for admission and in-state tuition purposes if the student is a citizen of the United States, has resided in Tennessee for one (1) year immediately prior to the beginning of the term being applied to, and meets one of the following conditions:

  • Graduated from a Tennessee public secondary school;
  • Graduated from a private secondary school that is located in Tennessee; or
  • Earned a Tennessee high school equivalency diploma.

A student who is domiciled in the state of Tennessee will be considered a Tennessee resident for admission and in-state tuition purposes.

  • A student can establish domicile by establishing that the student, or the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian/custodian if the student is considered a dependent student, as a physical presence in the state with simultaneous intent to make Tennessee one’s permanent home and place of habitation and abandonment of any former domicile.
  • Presence in Tennessee primarily for educational purposes is insufficient to establish domicile.
  • Undocumented aliens cannot establish domicile in Tennessee, regardless of length of residence in Tennessee.
  • Decisions regarding domicile will be made by the University based on a review of all evidence presented and upon consideration of its reliability, authenticity, credibility and relevance.


  1. An unemancipated/dependent, currently enrolled student whose parent(s) or legal guardian/custodian relinquish residence or domicile in the state of Tennessee shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition at the University so long as he or she maintains continuous enrollment at a state of Tennessee public higher educational institution or institutions.
  2. Students participating in an approved University performance-based program may not be required to pay out-of-state tuition. Such programs may include, but are not limited to: the Helen Hardin Honors College, ROTC, and the National Student Exchange program.
  3. A person who otherwise meets admission requirements shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition if they reside in a county of another state lying immediately adjacent to a county where the University is located or if they reside within thirty (30) miles of the University.
  4. Unemancipated/dependent students of divorced parents shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition when one (1) parent, regardless of custodial status, is domiciled in Tennessee.
  5. A student who is a United States citizen or permanent resident and is the spouse of a current student classified as in-state for tuition purposes shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition.
  6. Academic Common Market: Students enrolled at the University of Memphis in an approved and designated Academic Common Market degree program or concentration shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition.
  7. An unemancipated/dependent person whose parent is not domiciled in Tennessee but is a member of the armed forces and stationed in Tennessee pursuant to military orders shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition. Further, such a person who maintains continuous enrollment shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition if his or her parent thereafter is transferred on military orders.
  8. Part-time students who are not domiciled in Tennessee but who are employed by one (1) or more employers in the State and such employment is equivalent to full-time employment shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition.
  9. U.S. Armed Forces personnel, their spouses, and dependents, stationed in the State of Tennessee, shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition. This provision shall not apply to military personnel and their spouses who are stationed in Tennessee primarily for educational purposes.
  10. Active-duty military personnel who begin working on a college degree at the University while stationed in Tennessee and who are transferred or deployed prior to completing their degrees, can continue completion of the degree(s) at the University without being required to pay out-of-state tuition, as long as he/she completes at least one (1) course for credit each twelve (12) month period after the transfer or deployment. Exceptions may be made in cases where the service member is deployed to an area of armed conflict for periods exceeding twelve (12) months.
  11. Qualified, dependent children entitled to scholarship or exemption from out-of-state tuition by statute, including but not limited to, T.C.A. § 49-4-704 and T.C.A. § 49-7-164, shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition.
  12. Veterans or other individuals eligible to receive educational benefits administered by the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs, shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition or any out-of-state fee, if the veteran or individual is:
  • Enrolled in any public institution of higher education in Tennessee;
  • Utilizing such benefits at the enrolling institution; and
  • Living in the state of Tennessee, regardless of the individual’s formal state of residency.


Initial residency classification will be determined by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation for undergraduate students and the Graduate Admissions Office for graduate students. Students may appeal their initial residency reclassification by submitting a written request for reclassification with supporting documentation on forms prescribed by the University. Appeals for the current term must be made to the Residency Appeals Committee on or before the last day to add or change sections for the current full term. Appeals received after this date may only change a student’s residency for future terms. Individuals disagreeing with the decision of the Residency Appeals Committee may appeal that decision in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


If a student classified as out-of-state or international applies for in-state tuition and is subsequently reclassified, his or her in-state classification shall be based on the date the appeal form was received by the appeal committee. However, out-of-state tuition will be charged for any quarter or semester during which reclassification is sought and obtained unless application for reclassification is made in accordance with University policy.

Admission to Masters Degree Programs

The following Graduate School admissions requirements are minimum standards that identify the pool of master’s level applicants from which each academic unit makes its selection. International applicants should consult “Admission of International Students” for further requirements.

  1. Baccalaureate Degree: The applicant must provide an official transcript showing that a bachelor’s degree was awarded by an accredited college or university. In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made. If you are a UofM undergraduate student applying to Graduate School at UofM, you do not need to request that an official transcript be sent to Graduate Admissions. This office has access to your transcript. The applicant must have earned an acceptable grade point average. In addition, transcripts from any other college or university attended may be requested. Only transcripts received directly from an issuing institution are considered official. For domestic students, signed and sealed transcripts that have been in the applicant’s possession can be used for admission purposes; however, official transcripts may later be requested. Personal copies are not acceptable as official documents.
  2. Entrance Examinations: New applicants may be required by the individual program to have taken an appropriate entrance examination within five years of the application date. Contact the appropriate program for information on which test(s) and what score(s) are acceptable. Scores on MAT exams written in less than two-month intervals are not acceptable. Test scores must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions from the testing agency. The University of Memphis institution code number for reporting ETS scores is R-1459. See program descriptions for more information on requirements. Some programs may waive the entrance examination requirement for applicants with exceptional credentials, extensive professional experience, or a prior graduate degree from an accredited institution. These waivers are at the discretion of the academic program. See individual program descriptions for details.
  3. Program Requirements: Many academic units have separate departmental applications and/or additional requirements for admission. See program descriptions for more information on requirements.

Admission to Doctoral Degree Programs

The following Graduate School admissions requirements are minimum standards that identify the pool of doctoral level applicants from which each academic unit makes its selection. International applicants should consult “Admission of International Students” below for further requirements.

  1. A Baccalaureate or Master’s Degree as specified by the program: The applicant must provide an official transcript showing an earned bachelor’s or master’s degree, depending on program requirements. In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made. If you are a UofM undergraduate student applying to Graduate School at UofM, you do not need to request that an official transcript be sent to Graduate Admissions. This office has access to your transcript. The degree must have been awarded by an accredited college or university. Only transcripts received directly from an issuing institution are considered official. For domestic students, signed and sealed transcripts that have been in the applicant’s possession can be used for admission purposes; however, official transcripts may later be requested. Personal copies are not acceptable as official documents.
  2. Entrance Examinations: New applicants may be required by the individual program to have taken an appropriate entrance examination within five years of the application date. Contact your program for information on which tests and what score(s) are acceptable. Test scores must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions by the testing agency. The University of Memphis institution code number for reporting ETS scores is R-1459. Some programs may waive the entrance examination requirement for applicants with exceptional credentials, extensive professional experience, or a prior doctoral degree from an accredited institution. See individual program descriptions for details.
  3. Program Requirements: Some academic units may have separate departmental applications and/or additional requirements, such as portfolios, proficiency examinations, auditions, etc. Refer to the appropriate program description in this Bulletin for details.

Admission to Education Specialist Program

The Education Specialist degree is designed for the educator-practitioner who desires post-master’s training but who does not wish to earn a doctorate. This program is administered by the College of Education ; please refer to the appropriate section of this Catalog for a more complete description or contact the dean’s office in the College of Education for additional details.

Admission of International Students

The University of Memphis believes that the presence of international students on campus enriches the educational environment for all. The University of Memphis is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students on the F-1 student visa. We accept only students with the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree–16 years of formal schooling.

Prospective students must apply to the Graduate School and the respective department (only if the department requires an additional application). Individual departments may have different admission requirements and application deadlines. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with departmental information.

Applications are available for on-line submission at A non-refundable application and processing fee of sixty dollars U.S. (U.S. $60.00) is required of every international applicant, unless previously paid. Payment of the application fee is by credit card.

For admission to a degree program, international applicants should allow at least four months for necessary documents to be processed by the appropriate degree program and the Graduate Admissions office. All test scores and credential evaluations must be on file in the Graduate Admissions Office (FedEx Institute of Technology Building, Suite 201) at least four months before the desired enrollment date. Applicants are urged to apply early to ensure full consideration.

Applicants will be selected on a competitive basis and, therefore, admission will not be granted to all applicants who meet only the minimum requirements. Some departments require higher standards or additional items such as portfolios, proficiency examinations, auditions, etc.

When Graduate Admissions receives your application materials, an official file is established and reviewed. Your requested department then reviews your application and makes a recommendation to Graduate Admissions. You will be notified as soon as a decision has been reached.

Letters of Recommendation: If the program to which you are applying requires letters of recommendation, have them sent directly to the department. Some departments also require other material such a a statement of professional goals. Be sure to check with them.

Readmission into the University: International students who wish to apply for readmission to the University must meet the deadlines set for regular admissions.

English Conditional Admission: International students are required to demonstrate a strong grasp of the English language before admission into graduate programs. Conditional admission may be granted depending on individual academic departmental policy. If English conditional admission is offered, students will need to register for English skills assessment and take instructional sessions (if required as a result of that assessment) through the University’s Intensive English for Internationals (IEI) program ( Upon successful completion of the requisite sessions, as determined by IEI, the student’s English skills will be considered up to standard and the TOEFL/IELTS/PTE requirement may be waived depending on specific academic department policy. The student can then proceed into their graduate academic program. Please note that in order to have a complete application packet, students seeking English conditional admission will need to simultaneously apply for the IEI program through the link above, to the Graduate School by clicking here, and to their academic program by visiting the department website. Please note that a student cannot be a graduate assistant (GA) until they have been fully admitted and have begun their graduate academic program. Please review your academic program department’s website and graduate catalog entries to determine if English conditional admission is offered. Questions can be directed to the program’s graduate coordinator. Students will pay IEI fees until they meet the language criterion. If courses are taken outside of IEI, the student will be charged additional tuition at the regular rate.

Please contact James Kierulff in the Graduate School for more information.

Additional Admission Requirements

In addition to general admissions requirements, international students must provide the following items:

  • English Proficiency Exam Scores:  All applicants who will be attending the University on a student visa who are not native speakers of English and are not graduates of The University of Memphis must supply a minimum overall score on one of the exams noted below. Some degree programs require a higher overall score. Please check respective academic department webpages for their requirements.  With the exception of TOEFL, test scores must be sent directly from the testing center to:  

University of Memphis 
Graduate School 
FedEx Institute of Technology Building, Suite 201 
365 Innovation Drive 
Memphis, TN   38152 

TOEFL: A minimum score of 550 on the paper, a 210 on the computer-based, or 79 on the internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is needed.  . All test scores must be sent directly from the testing agency to The University of Memphis electronically using institution code: 1459.  

IELTS: Graduate Admissions will accept scores on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in lieu of the TOEFL. The minimum acceptable IELTS score is 6.0.  

PTE: Graduate Admissions will also accept scores on the Pearson Test of English (PTE) in lieu of the TOEFL . The minimum acceptable PTE score is 53.  

Duolingo: For students affected by test center closures due to COVID-19, the University is temporarily accepting Duolingo as an alternative. A minimum score of 100 is required. 

English Exam Alternative: The University is pleased to offer English Conditional Admission for qualified students. Students who are unable, or do not feel prepared, to take the TOEFL, IELTS, PTE or Duolingo can request conditional admission based on completing an English skills assessment, any required English skill building sessions ( and, if required, a TOEFL/IELTS/PTE/Duolingo exam while you are in the USA. For questions or guidance through the English conditional admission process, please contact James Kierulff ( Conditional admission may not be offered by all departments. Please check departmental graduate catalog webpages for program specific information. 

  • Evaluation of Credentials: Applicants whose highest degree is from a foreign university may be required to have their credentials evaluated by any credentialing agency listed on the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services web site ( Please check the website of the specific program to determine if this evaluation is required.
  • Health Certificate: Within 30 days from the first day of classes, each international student must submit a certificate from a licensed U.S. physician or other qualified U.S. medical authority verifying freedom from tuberculosis. Failure to do so shall result in denial of enrollment. In the event that a student either has tuberculosis or has potential tuberculosis requiring medical treatment, continued enrollment will be conditional upon the determination by a licensed U.S. physician that such enrollment does not present a risk to others and upon the student’s compliance with any medical treatment program.
  • Health Insurance: All international students must purchase health insurance before they are allowed to enroll. Click here for more information.
  • Affidavit of Support and Financial Statement: An applicant who holds or will require an “F-1” student visa must supply, on the form provided by the University, sufficient evidence of financial support for the applicant and all members of his/her family who will accompany the applicant to Memphis. This requires that the applicant certify that his/her intent is to attend the University full-time and that no employment, other than assistantships, will be required. An affidavit of support and financial statement are not required for admission; however, international students (F-1) requiring issuance of Form I-20 must supply sufficient evidence of financial support for the applicant and all members of his/her family requiring issuance of dependent Form I-20.

Please contact academic departments for information on additional requirements and graduate assistantships.

Advisors for graduate students are typically department based. Often, departments will assign advisors to students upon admission based on areas of interest. After students have matriculated and enrolled in coursework under various faculty members, students may select a different advisor. To inquire about your academic advisor, please contact the graduate coordinator or department chair for your program.

Master’s Degree Programs

The following admissions requirements are minimum standards that identify the pool of master’s level applicants from which each academic unit makes its selection. Prospective students should check with the appropriate degree program for specific deadlines. For admission to a degree program, applicants should allow a reasonable amount of time for necessary documents to be processed by the appropriate department and Graduate Admissions.

  • Baccalaureate Degree: The applicant must provide an official transcript showing that a bachelor’s degree was awarded by an accredited college or university. In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made. The applicant must have earned an acceptable grade point average. In addition, transcripts from any other college or university attended must be requested. (Students who received bachelor’s degrees from The University of Memphis may disregard this requirement.) Only transcripts received directly from an issuing institution are considered official. Signed and sealed transcripts that have been in the applicant’s possession can be used for admission purposes; however, official transcripts must later be requested. Personal copies are not acceptable as official documents.
  • Entrance Examinations: New applicants may be required by the individual program to have taken an appropriate entrance examination within five years of the application date. Contact the appropriate program for information on which tests and what scores are acceptable. Scores on MAT exams written in less than 2 month intervals are not acceptable. Test scores must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions from the testing agency. The University of Memphis institution code number for reporting ETS scores is R-1459. See program descriptions for more information on requirements. Some programs may waive the entrance examination requirement for applicants with exceptional credentials, extensive professional experience, or a prior graduate degree from an accredited institution. These waivers are at the discretion of the academic program. Check individual program descriptions for details.
  • Program Requirements: Many academic units have separate departmental applications and/or additional requirements for admission. Check program descriptions for more information on requirements.

Education Specialist (ED.S.) Program

The Education Specialist degree is designed for the educator-practitioner who desires post-masters training but who does not wish to earn a doctorate. This program is administered by the College of Education; please refer to the College of Education section of the Graduate Catalog for a more complete description or contact the dean’s office in the College of Education for additional details.

Doctoral Degree Programs

The following Graduate School admissions requirements are minimum standards that identify the pool of doctoral level applicants from which each academic area make their selections.

  • A Baccalaureate or Master’s Degree as specified by the program: The applicant must provide an official transcript showing an earned bachelor’s or master’s degree, depending on program requirements. The degree must have been awarded by an accredited college or university. In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made. Only transcripts received directly from an issuing institution are considered official. Personal copies are not acceptable as official documents.
  • Entrance Examinations: New applicants may be required by the individual program to submit an appropriate entrance examination test score that is not more than five years old. Contact your program for information on which tests and what scores are acceptable. Test scores must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions by the testing agency.The University of Memphis institution code number for reporting ETS scores is R-1459. Some programs may waive the entrance examination requirement for applicants with exceptional credentials, extensive professional experience, or a prior doctoral degree from an accredited institution. See individual program descriptions for details.
  • Program Requirements: Some academic units may have separate departmental applications and/or additional requirements, such as portfolios, proficiency examinations, auditions, etc. Refer to the appropriate program description in the Graduate Catalog for details.


Once accepted into a degree program, a student is expected to enroll every semester thereafter (excluding summer sessions) and make satisfactory progress toward the degree. A student who does not enroll for a fall or spring semester must apply for readmission. Submission of a readmission application does not ensure acceptance. An application for readmission may be rejected or additional requirements may be imposed on the student. A readmitted student must follow the rules, prerequisites, and degree requirements listed in the Graduate Catalog.

Students writing a thesis or dissertation or engaged in a culminating project must enroll on a continuous basis (fall and spring) until the thesis, dissertation, or project is complete. If, however, a student completes a thesis, dissertation, or project during a summer session, they must be enrolled in the applicable credit during the summer.

Other Admission Regulations

Continuous Enrollment

Students writing a thesis or dissertation or engaged in a culminating or capstone project must enroll on a continuous basis (Fall and Spring) until the thesis, dissertation, or project is complete. Most programs require at least one culminating experience course; see specific program requirements for details. A student must be enrolled for at least 1 hour each Fall and Spring semester until the thesis, dissertation, or project is complete. A student must be enrolled in the Summer semester if the thesis, dissertation, or project will be completed then. Failure to so register will result in the student being charged tuition for each semester he or she did not enroll.

The only exception to this policy is if the student’s major professor is on leave or otherwise unavailable. In such cases the approval of the appropriate college director and the Dean of the Graduate School is required. In the case of serious medical circumstances, students may request a leave of absence, subject to the approval of the program graduate coordinator, the college director of graduate studies, and the Dean of the Graduate School. Retroactive approval will not be granted. A leave of absence does not extend time limit to degree.

Admission to Non-Degree Status

Combination Senior: An undergraduate senior student may earn up to 12 hours of graduate credit while enrolled on a Combination Senior/Graduate Non-Degree basis. The student must have a total cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 and must have filed with his or her Graduate School Academic Advisor a plan for completing the bachelor’s degree within two semesters. Eligible students may enroll concurrently in undergraduate and select graduate courses. Approval to register for graduate credit does not imply approval for admission into a graduate program at the University or that the credit earned will be accepted towards a graduate degree. After the bachelor’s degree is awarded, a Combination Senior/Graduate Non-Degree student must make formal application in order to be admitted to a graduate degree program. Courses taken for graduate credit may not be used for both the baccalaureate and graduate degree. Combination seniors are not eligible for graduate assistantships.

Graduate Non-Degree: This classification is for domestic students who wish to enroll in graduate courses but who do not wish to pursue a graduate degree at the University or whose applications are incomplete. Graduate non-degree applicants must show proof of having earned a baccalaureate degree at the time of application. At the end of the first semester of course work, the Graduate Non-Degree student may be required to furnish an official transcript showing at minimum a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.

Academic units may restrict non-degree students to designated courses. Graduate Non-Degree students who decide to matriculate for a degree must make application to the Graduate School and must meet all admissions requirements. Master’s students in programs requiring 36 credit hours or fewer are limited to 12 credit hours while in non-degree status. Students in degree programs requiring more than 36 hours must take at least 2/3 of the credit hours after acceptance into the program. Students should note that some academic units count coursework toward a degree only after admission or have more restrictive policies regarding the number of non-degree hours that count toward the degree.

Before registering for a second semester of graduate level coursework, the non-degree student is required to sign a release agreeing that additional coursework will not apply to degree programs.

Non-degree students must maintain a 3.00 GPA in graduate courses in order to re-enroll and are not eligible for graduate assistantships.

Miscellaneous Admissions Information

Hepatitis Vaccination

The General Assembly of the State of Tennessee mandates that each public or private post-secondary institution in the state provide information concerning Hepatitis B infection to all students entering the institution for the first time. Those students who will be living on campus must also receive information about the risk of meningococcal meningitis infection.

After reading this information and prior to registering for classes, you must complete and sign the waiver form to indicate that you have received the information and have chosen to have the vaccination, plan to have the vaccination, or chosen not to have the vaccination. The waiver form is on-line at:

Measles Vaccination

The University of Memphis requires all students born after January 1957 to have had the measles (MMR) vaccination after January 1, 1980, in order to register. The vaccination is available in the University Health Center for a nominal fee.

Health Services

Limited medical services are available in the University Health Center upon presentation of a valid student identification card. Outpatient medical services, including general clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment; laboratory and X-ray; family planning; and a dispensary are available. Students are charged only for lab tests sent off-campus to a reference lab, for medicines (over-the-counter or prescribed by the center) purchased at the dispensary, and for family planning.

Entrance Examination Information

The GRE, PRAXIS I (PPST), and TOEFL can be taken on campus by computer. Call the University of Memphis ETS Computer-Based Testing Center (John W. Brister Hall 112) at 901.678.1457 to make an appointment.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE): Registration packets for the GRE may be obtained from the Testing Center (JWB 112).

Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT): Arrangements for taking the GMAT can be made by writing to GMAT, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, by calling 1-800-462-8669, or by using

Miller Analogies Test (MAT): Students who wish to arrange for the MAT should contact the Testing Center, JWB 112.

Veterans Services

Mission: The Office of Veterans Services, 003 Wilder Tower, provides assistance for eligible National Guard/Reserves, veterans, and/or dependents who enroll at the University of Memphis and who make application for programs of education or training, and VA tutorial services. Other assistance includes: liaison with Veterans Administration Regional Office, counseling, and counseling referral for personal, family, career, financial, and educational problems.

Application for VA benefits: Those who will be using VA educational assistance while enrolled at the University of Memphis should contact the Office of Veterans Services. They should also be prepared to furnish the following items as applicable:

  1. The number 4 original or copy of the DD214 or other armed forces separation papers.
  2. Copy of Delayed Enlistment Contract.
  3. Copies of marriage licenses and children’s birth certificates.
  4. Copy of final divorce decree if either veteran or spouse has been previously married.
  5. VA file number if different from social security number.

Advance Pay: Advance payment is available for eligible veterans and dependents who plan to enroll on at least a half-time basis. Applications will be accepted in the Veterans Services Office as early as 120 days before the term begins but no later than 45 days before the beginning entry. Generally, the advance pay deadline for the fall semester is around July 15, while spring semester deadline is around November 15. Advance pay checks include an allowance for the month or fraction thereof in which the course begins and the allowance for the following month. Advance pay checks are mailed to the school for delivery to the student at registration. Initial applicants who do not apply for advance pay may expect their check to be mailed to their home within six to eight weeks after registration.

Enrollment Status: For VA benefits during the regular terms (Fall and Spring), 12 semester hours constitute a full-time load for undergraduate students; 9 hours is full-time for graduate students. However, training time for summer session at the undergraduate and graduate level is based on the number of semester hours attempted per term. The Veterans Administration places restrictions on those who receive veterans educational benefits. Some of these restrictions include: (1) regular class attendance, (2) satisfactory academic progress, and (3) adherence to a specific degree plan.

Degree Plan: Only courses that are required for the degree and major may be certified for VA pay. VA will not pay for repeat courses if the grade already earned is accepted by the U of M and will fulfill graduation requirements toward the declared degree and major (even if the course was taken at another institution with or without use of the GI Bill). VA will not pay for elective courses in excess of those needed to meet graduation requirements.

Although advisors are provided for veterans, this assistance does not relieve students of the responsibility for fulfilling all VA and University requirements.

Certification: Enrollment certifications are mailed and/or electronically submitted to the appropriate VA Regional Office upon receipt of the Veterans Request for Certification Form. Students are required to submit this form to the Veteran Services Office at the University of Memphis each semester. Students will be certified on a term-by-term basis. Pre-certification will be done only when a request for advance pay is made.

Termination of Benefits: VA benefits and Title IV funds for enrollment fees are subject to cancellation and immediate repayment if the recipient stops attending, whether or not he/she has withdrawn or dropped a course. The instructor will report the last known date of attendance as the student’s “unofficial withdrawal date.” Students who stop attending will be assigned a grade of “F” in courses that do not reflect an official withdrawal.

ROTC Programs

Graduate students are eligible to earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the US Air Force by completing 12 semester hours of the AFROTC advanced program in conjunction with their graduate studies. Applications are accepted during January and February for Fall semester entries.

Graduate students are also eligible to earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the US Army by completing 16 semester hours of the ROTC advanced program in conjunction with their graduate studies.