Feb 12, 2025  

General Requirements & Graduation

Apply For Graduation

To receive a bachelor’s degree from any of the colleges in the University, students must have an Institutional grade point average of at least 2.00 and an *Overall grade point average of at least 2.00.  (Exceptions for rare and extenuating circumstances may be reviewed and granted upon recommendation from the University Registrar to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.). 

Courses designated to fulfill general education at the University of Memphis can be found at University General Education Program .  All students are required to apply to graduate during the semester preceding the semester of graduation. The deadlines for the application to graduate are included on the Registrar’s website. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that this deadline is met.  

Degree Awarded

After a degree has been awarded, the academic record (to include the transcript of all courses that comprises the awarded degree) is considered final and locked. Repeat processing, dropping of individual courses, withdrawals for a term, and any other adjustments to the final academic record will not be considered. Only administrative errors can be corrected on the final transcript after the degree has been awarded. Any academic record concerns that a student has during their final semester must be discussed with their graduation analyst prior to graduation. Misrepresentation of academic credentials constitutes a Class A misdemeanor, under Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-7-133.

Graduation with Distinction

Students who intend to achieve Graduation with Distinction must do the following:

  1. Fulfill all University of Memphis graduation requirements.
  2. Earn the following minimum grade point average on both their UofM and *Overall GPA to achieve the listed designations:
  • 3.2500-3.4999 Cum Laude
  • 3.5000-3.7999 Magna Cum Laude
  • 3.8000-4.0000 Summa Cum Laude

*Overall GPA refers to the combination of the student’s UofM GPA and the GPA from college level transfer courses that were posted prior to Spring 2015 and after Summer 2019.  Transfer work posted during Summer 2015 through Summer 2019 is not counted in the Overall GPA per the Tennessee Board of Regents transfer policy and the academic catalogs for this time period.

The actual conferral of Graduation with Distinction cannot be made until the student’s UofM and Overall GPA has been certified by the College/School. Transitional Academic Studies courses (DSP) are not considered in calculating eligibility for Graduation with Distinction. College level courses used to satisfy high school deficiencies will be considered in the computations to determine eligibility for Graduation with Distinction.

Residence Requirements

A student will satisfy residence requirements for graduation by earning at least twenty-five (25) percent of credit hours required for the degree at the University of Memphis. At least thirty (30) of the final sixty (60) hours required for the degree must be completed at the University of Memphis. A student transferring credits from a two-year college or institution must complete, as a requirement for the baccalaureate degree, a minimum of sixty semester hours in an accredited senior institution.

In addition, the student must meet the residence requirements for the specific degree as established by the college or school in which it is offered. Exceptions to residence requirements can be authorized by the appropriate dean. Residence requirements for specific degrees within each college or school may be found in the Colleges and Degree Programs section. For more details, the student should inquire in the office of the dean of the appropriate college or school.

Residency Requirements with Experiential Learning Credit and other Alternative Credit

The University of Memphis offers students many opportunities to be awarded credit from their work and life experiences, portfolio work, and other alternative credit-earning means. Some experiential learning credits will count in the University of Memphis residency requirements. These experiential learning credits include the following: 

  • Portfolio credits earned while attending University of Memphis to show knowledge learned
  • Experiential learning from University of Memphis Continuing Education classes where Undergraduate credit is awarded
  • Experiential learning from the University of Memphis Prep Academy
  • Embedded experiential learning in University of Memphis courses

In accordance with accreditation requirements through SACSCOC, any experiential learning credit or alternative credit earned by a student from the following sources will not count towards University of Memphis residency requirements:

  • ACT/SAT Prof Credit
  • Advanced Placement
  • College Level Exam Program
  • Credit by Examination
  • Credit by Proficiency
  • Language Proficiency
  • Dante Subject Exam
  • International Baccalaureate
  • Language Placement
  • Credit by Validation
  • Military Service Credit
  • Dual Credit Assessment-Inst-U of M
  • Dual Credit Assessment-State-UofM
  • ACT Prof Exam Program
  • Experiential Learning (such as pre-assessed)
  • Saylor courses and other credit generating online sources that is awarded as transfer credit

Requirements for Teacher Licensure

An undergraduate student can be recommended for licensure to teach in Elementary Education (Grades K-5); Early Childhood Education (Grades PreK-3); or Special Education (Grades K-12); or Physical Education (Grades K-12), Art (Grades PreK-12), Music (Grades PreK-12) in the State of Tennessee by completing all degree requirements for that endorsement as outlined for the Bachelor of Science in Education in the COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEGREE PROGRAMS section of this Catalog, or the College of Communication and Fine Arts for Art and Music.

A student in any of these programs must (1) file an application for admission to the Teacher Education Program in The College of Education; (2) fulfill the requirements and application procedures for the year-long Residency; (3) apply to graduate before the University deadline; (4) have an overall GPA of no less than 2.75 and a grade of “C” or above in each required course on their program of study; (5) pass all appropriate PRAXIS II licensure exams, and (6) fulfill all other graduation requirements listed under the TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS: REQUIREMENTS section.

Graduate, special, and transfer students who wish to obtain a teacher’s license should confer with the academic advisor in the College of Education, Room 202, Ball Hall on the main campus, or Room 220 in the Varnell-Jones Building at the University of Memphis, Lambuth Campus, concerning their individual requirements.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

All students who hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education, including the University of Memphis, may earn another bachelor’s degree with a different title.

To earn the second bachelor’s degree, the student must:

  1. Complete any additional college requirements as determined by the office of the dean of the college granting the second baccalaureate degree.
  2. Complete all requirements for the major as determined by the department in which the second baccalaureate degree is sought.
  3. Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in residence.
  4. Earn a minimum *overall grade point average of 2.0.

*The University Undergraduate Council (UUC) approved in 2018 for University of Memphis coursework and transfer coursework to count in the overall gpa and overall combined GPA effective Fall 2019. This policy change is a return to University of Memphis practice prior to Summer 2015.

*Overall GPA refers to the combination of the student’s UofM GPA and the GPA from college level transfer courses that were posted prior to Spring 2015 and after Summer 2019.  Transfer work posted during Summer 2015 through Summer 2019 is not counted in the Overall GPA per the Tennessee Board of Regents transfer policy and the academic catalogs for this time period.

  1. For New Transfer students admitted Fall 2019, transfer credit will count in the overall and overall combined GPA
  2. For Readmitted students for Fall 2019, transfer credit taken since last attending the U of M will count in the overall and overall combined GPA.
  3. For Continuing students, transfer credit applied to Fall 2019 will count in the overall and the overall combined GPA.

Historically, overall gpa included University of Memphis work and transfer work posted through Spring 2015. Due to a change in the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) policy effective Summer 2015, transfer credit posted was reflected in earned hours, but no longer applied to the overall or to the overall combined gpa.  

Second Major

Two majors in the same degree may be pursued simultaneously or subsequently. If a student completes the requirements from a valid Catalog for an additional major for a degree previously earned at the University of Memphis, that major may be posted on the student’s record if the student applies for the additional major through the appropriate dean’s office.


A student with a declared major may pursue any established minor described in this or any subsequent catalog. The selected minor must be different than the declared major and require approval of the degree granting college under which the student is graduating. The minimum of 18 credit hours for a minor is required. Some of the hours in the minor may also be included in the student’s general education and degree requirements. There must be at least 9 hours at the upper division level. The GPA required for the minor is that of the degree granting college. Students must complete the coursework for the minor as described in the “Undergraduate Programs ” section of the undergraduate catalog. The minor must be declared no later than graduation check-out time. All course requirements for the minor must be completed by the time of graduation.

Minors available are found at: Minors