Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: UofM 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Sport & Leisure Management (B.S.) Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Sport & Leisure Management (B.S.)

The program objectives of the B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management (SLM) are: (a) to become involved in the profession and committed to the academic, service, and social mission of the profession; (b) to demonstrate an awareness of the critical role of diversity to the delivery of inclusive sport and leisure services; (c) to demonstrate effective leadership within the sport and leisure profession; and (d) to behave in accordance with the ethical standards of the sport and leisure profession.

University General Education Program (41 hours)

See Graduation from the University for the University General Education Program requirements. The following are recommended or required for the major: Social/Behavioral Sciences: ECON 2010 is required.

The Major (79 hours)

Core Requirements (31 hours)

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
SLS 2105 - Foundation/Sport/Leisure Mgt ** Credit Hours: (4)
SLS 3104 - Commercial Rec and Tourism ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3105 - Sport/Leisure as Pop Culture ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3204 - Org Analysis Sport/Leisure ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3605 - Financial Management SLS ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3650 - Promotions in Sport & Leisure ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4135 - Sport/Culture Global Perspect ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4155 - Sport/Leisure Governance ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4205 - Legal Aspects SLM ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4500 - Sport/Leisure Mktg ** Credit Hours: (3)

SLS Elective Courses (27-48 hours)

Includes all SLS/SLC courses not required in the major core and:

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
HPRM 3600 - Entertainment Management Credit Hours: (3)
HPRM 3650 - Comm & Rec Food Serv Mgmt Credit Hours: (3)
HPRM 4301 - Event Management for HPRM Credit Hours: (3)
HPRM 4302 - International Events Credit Hours: (3)
HPRM 4401 - Management of Tourism Credit Hours: (3)

General Electives (0-21 hours) to bring the total hours to 120.

Accelerated B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management/M.S in Sport Commerce

The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) degree program is a B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management/M.S in Sport Commerce. This program allows outstanding undergraduate students to begin the coursework for the M.S. in Sport Commerce during their senior year. Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the ABM program early in their undergraduate career in consultation with their advisor. Working with the undergraduate and graduate academic coordinators, undergraduates selected into this program begin a carefully tailored course of study that will allow them to complete their B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management degree while also beginning coursework toward their M.S. in Sport Commerce degree.

To apply, students must have a minimum 3.25 grade point average, submit two letters of reference, and provide a copy of their academic transcript to the Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management. Each applicant will complete an interview with the graduate academic coordinator of the M.S. in Sport Commerce program. To continue in the program past the B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management, students must apply for full admission to both the Graduate School and the M.S. in Sport Commerce program. In the ABM program, up to 12 hours of graduate coursework may be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate programs. However, any graduate coursework will not apply to a student’s undergraduate grade point average.

Typical 4-Year Sport & Leisure Management Sequence

Freshman Year

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 1010 - English Composition** Credit Hours: (3)

Social/Behavioral Sciences*


Humanities/Fine Arts*

General Elective

ENGL 1020 - English Comp/Analysis** Credit Hours: (3)
COMM 2381 - Oral Communication ** Credit Hours: (3)

Natural Science/Lab*

Humanities/Fine Arts*


Semester Totals : 31 hours

Sophomore Year

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Natural Science/Lab*


SLS 2105 - Foundation/Sport/Leisure Mgt ** Credit Hours: (4)

SLS Elective

ECON 2010 - Intro to Macroeconomics** Credit Hours: (3)


SLS 3204 - Org Analysis Sport/Leisure ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3605 - Financial Management SLS ** Credit Hours: (3)

SLS Elective

Semester Totals: 29 hours

Junior Year

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
SLS 3104 - Commercial Rec and Tourism ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 3105 - Sport/Leisure as Pop Culture ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4500 - Sport/Leisure Mktg ** Credit Hours: (3)

SLS Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

SLS 3650 - Promotions in Sport & Leisure ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4135 - Sport/Culture Global Perspect ** Credit Hours: (3)
SLS 4205 - Legal Aspects SLM ** Credit Hours: (3)

SLS Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

Semester Totals: 30 hours

Senior Year

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
SLS 4155 - Sport/Leisure Governance ** Credit Hours: (3)

SLS Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

SLS Elective

SLS Elective

SLS Elective

SLS Elective

SLS Elective or General Elective

Semester Totals: 30 hours

Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120

*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement
