Mar 10, 2025
UofM 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Economics, (B.A.)
Program objectives can be found in the Business Economics major in the Fogelman College of Business and Economics section.
The Major (30 hours)
Completion of 30 semester hours, including Electives
Electives may be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120. Honors Program
To be considered eligible for the Honors Degree Program in Economics, the student must: - Maintain a minimum grade of B in honors sections of both ECON 2010 - Intro to Macroeconomics** and ECON 2020 - Intro to Microeconomics** .
- Obtain the recommendation of a faculty member in the Department of Economics to the Department Honors Committee.
Once accepted to the Honors Degree Program in Economics, the student must - Maintain an average GPA of 3.25 in all economics courses to continue in the program.
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in all economics courses at graduation.
- Enroll in ECON 3310 - Microeconomic Theory and ECON 3320 - Macroeconomic Theory with an honors contract. Those contracts will be discussed with and approved by the faculty member teaching each course.
- Write an honors thesis. This begins with finding a faculty advisor for the thesis project, discussing a thesis topic, then writing the thesis. The honors thesis typically takes one semester to complete, although work on it can begin early. When working on the honors thesis, the student will enroll in a section of ECON 4996 - Honors Thesis in Economics for up to one semester. The completed thesis will be graded by the faculty advisor.
Upon successfully completing all these requirements, the student will be recognized at the commencement ceremony by having their degree conferred “With Honors in Economics.” Moreover the student’s diploma and the record at the University of Memphis will reflect this accomplishment. Typical 4-Year Economics Sequence
Semester Totals 30-31 hrs
Senior Year
- Elective (3)
- UD ECON (3)
- UD ECON (3)
- UD ECON (3)
- UD ECON (3)
- UD Elective (3)
- Elective (3)
- Elective (4)
- Elective (3)
Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement |