Oct 18, 2024  
UofM 2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
UofM 2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Psychology, (B.A.)

Program objectives for a B.A. in Psychology are: (a) describe the nature of psychology as a discipline; (b) use the concepts, language, and major theories of the discipline to account for psychological phenomena; (c) demonstrate knowledge and understanding representing appropriate breadth and depth in selected content areas of psychology; (e) describe the basic characteristics of the science of psychology; (f) explain different research methods used by psychologists; (g) design and conduct basic studies to address psychological questions using appropriate research methods; (h) evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions derived from psychological research; (i) generalize research conclusions appropriately based on the parameters of particular research methods; (j) follow the APA Code of Ethics in the treatment of human and nonhuman participants in the design, data collection, interpretation, and reporting of psychological research; (k) use critical thinking effectively; (l) use reasoning to recognize, develop, defend, and criticize arguments and other persuasive appeals; (m) approach problems effectively; (n) describe major applied areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, counseling, industrial/organizational, school, health); (o) identify appropriate applications of psychology in solving problems; (p) articulate how psychological principles can be used to explain social issues and inform public policy; (q) recognize the necessity for ethical behavior in all aspects of the science and practice of psychology; (s) recognize and understand the importance of academic integrity; (t) recognize and respect human diversity and understand that psychological explanations may vary across populations and contexts; (u) assess and justify engagement with respect to civic, social, and global responsibilities; (v) understand the limitations of psychological knowledge and skills.

University General Education Program (41 hours)

See Graduation from the University  for the University General Education Program requirements.

College and Degree (B.A.) Requirements (6-9 hours)

The College and Bachelor of Arts requirements  are in addition to the University General Education Program requirements and are listed above.

The Major (35 hours in Psychology)

One Course from Each of the Three Content Areas Below:

Two of the Following 4-hour Lab Courses

Psychology Field Test

All majors must take a Psychology Field Test during their senior year.

Concentrations (24 hours):

The department offers three concentrations: (a) General Psychology (b) Behavioral Neuroscience (c) Cognitive Science. Students must complete the requirements for one concentration.

General Psychology:

Completion of requirements above and additional upper division hours in PSYC to bring the PSYC total to at least 35 hours.

Behavioral Neuroscience:

Completion of requirements above

Cognitive Science:

Completion of requirements above;

At Least One Course From Either

At Least Two Courses From:

Students Choosing Cognitive Science Concentration

Students choosing Cognitive Science concentration must complete at least three of the following courses outside of psychology:


Electives may be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120.

Honors Program

The Psychology Honors Program provides an opportunity for selected Psychology majors to enrich their learning experience through honors courses, independent study, a senior thesis, and extracurricular learning experiences. The program requires a minimum of 15 credit hours of honors work in psychology. Students who earn at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average in the major will earn degrees that included the distinction “With Honors in Psychology.” Please contact the department honors coordinator for more detailed information about the Psychology Honors Program and assistance in applying. Psychology majors may also be eligible to participate in the University Honors Program described elsewhere in this bulletin. Some psychology honors courses may be counted toward the requirement of the University Honors Program.

Psychology Honors Classes. The honors courses described below are open only to students in good standing in the Psychology Honors Program or the University Honors Program. Honors courses in Psychology include: (1) PSYC 1030  (General Psychology - Honors). Students who wish to enroll in this course during their first year may do so either by meeting the requirements for the University Honors Program or by instructor permission; (2) periodically offered honors sections of other courses in the psychology curriculum; (3) specialized honors courses; (4) Honors Special Topics; (5) Directed Research and Senior Thesis.

Psychology Honors Contracts. Students may ask the instructor of any psychology course to negotiate an honors contract, in which the instructor and student agree on additional honor-level requirements for the course.

Psychology Honors Senior Thesis. Students ask a psychology faculty member to serve as adviser for PSYC 4996 - Honors Senior Thesis , typically completed during the student’s last semester. Before enrolling in PSYC 4996 , the student should complete at least one semester of PSYC 4504 - Directed Research  under the same faculty adviser who will oversee work in the honors thesis. Students specializing in Behavioral Neuroscience may choose to enroll in PSYC 4506  (Directed Research in Behavioral Neuroscience) and PSYC 4997  (Senior Thesis in Behavioral Neuroscience). The completed thesis is presented in writing and defended orally before a faculty committee.

Typical 4-Year Psychology Sequence

Freshman Year

Semester Totals 31-32 hrs

Sophomore Year

Semester Totals 29 hrs

Junior Year

  • Fine Arts (3) *
  • UD PSYC (3)
  • Natural Science (4) *
  • Elective (3)
  • Elective (3)


  • History (3) *
  • UD PSYC (3)
  • Elective (3)
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences (3) *
  • Elective (3)

Semester Totals 31 hrs

Senior Year

  • UD PSYC w/lab (4)
  • Elective (3)
  • Elective (3)
  • UD Elective (3)
  • UD Elective (2)


  • UD PSYC w/lab (4)
  • Natural Science (4) *
  • UD Elective (3)
  • UD Elective (3)

Semester Totals 29 hrs

Total Hours: 120

Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120

*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement