Mar 02, 2025
UofM 2020-2021 Graduate Catalog * [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Audiology, (AuD)
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AuD Program
Program Admission
The admissions committee will review all completed applications. The deadline for applications is February 1 each year for the following Fall semester. Students with background in Communication Sciences and Disorders are admitted in the fall semester only. Students with background in other areas are admitted in the summer semester. Students should have a GPA of 3.00 (on a 4-point system). GRE scores are required (General Test). Application instructions are available online at www.memphis.edu/csd/programs/profapply.php. Applicants should follow the application instructions on the website for current procedures. - Students are expected to understand and use English proficiently.
Assumed Background
- To be considered for admission, all applicants must have completed or be in the process of completing a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. Previous academic preparation in audiology/speech-language pathology is not a requirement for admission.
- The AuD program assumes that students have basic coursework in the biological, physical, mathematical, and social/behavioral sciences, as shown below, by the time of graduation. In addition, students are required to have successfully completed at least a one-credit course in phonetic transcription and two courses in speech-language development/disorders in order to meet program graduation requirements. If this coursework was not completed at the undergraduate level prior to application, it is not required for admission and may be taken during the AuD program at the University of Memphis.
- Biological Science (3)
- Mathematical Science, Statistics preferred (3)
- Physical Sciences (3)
- Behavioral Sciences (3)
- Phonetic Transcription (1)
- Speech-Language Development (3)
- Speech-Language Disorders (3)
General Program Requirements
- Students must complete a minimum of 99 credit hours and meet the academic and practicum requirements for certification in audiology. As noted above, additional coursework will be required for those students without undergraduate preparation in audiology/speech-language pathology.
- A maximum of 24 credit hours in AUSP 8104 and a maximum of 6 credit hours in AUSP 8125 may be counted toward meeting the 99 credit hour graduation requirement.
- Students must achieve a grade of 3.00 or better in AUSP 8104 in their last two semesters in residence.
- All students must complete an individual research project (AUSP 8121 ) for a minimum of 4 hours credit.
- All students must successfully complete an oral qualifying examination.
- All students must successfully complete a comprehensive examination containing both written and oral components.
Retention Requirements
All students enrolled in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders are expected to attain high academic achievement and maintain professional and ethical conduct. In addition to Graduate School policy, the criteria listed below will be used to determine the retention status of students enrolled in the School. - Grades of less than 2.00 in a required course are considered unacceptable. These courses must be repeated with a minimum grade of 2.00 in order to meet graduation requirements.
- A student may count two grades of 2.00 toward their degree. Students have the option of repeating two courses in which a grade of 2.00 or less was earned. The student will be dismissed at the end of the semester in which a third grade of 2.00 or less has been earned.
- Students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 at the end of each semester of enrollment at the University of Memphis. A GPA below 3.00 across two consecutive semesters may be grounds for dismissal.
- Students may be dismissed for any of the following:
- Failure to maintain appropriate standards of academic integrity or CSD Policies.
- Failure to follow the ASHA and AAA Codes of Ethics.
- Failure to follow HIPAA guidelines.
- Failure to pass the oral qualifying examination.
- Failure to pass the comprehensive examination (including both written and oral components).
- Failure to meet essential functions as specified in CSD Policy Number E-120.
- Failure to achieve competency as specified in CSD Policy Number E-117.
- A grade of less than 2.00 in clinic practicum will mandate a review within the School and may be grounds for dismissal.
Externship in Audiology
All students will complete an externship during the fourth year of the program, which is consistent with current accreditation requirements. To be eligible for the externship the student must have completed all academic coursework, including the research project, and successfully passed the comprehensive examination. Externship placement is obtained in coordination with the Director of Clinical Services in Audiology. Successful completion of the externship must include the approval of the Director of Clinical Services in Audiology and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. The externship provides a comprehensive training environment for students to expand and sharpen their clinical skills. Externships may be in either paid or unpaid positions. AuD Degree Requirements (99 hours):
Basic Science Coursework (15 Hours):
Major Area Coursework (39 Hours):
Clinical Practicum (30 Hours):
Other Courses (15 Hours):
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