Program Requirements
1) Students are required to complete a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours.
2) Students are required to complete forty-two (42) hours of required coursework. Required Courses are as follows:
8040 Advanced SW Theory (3)
8100 Developing Fundable Proposals (3)
8050 Writing for Publication (3)
8075 Reflective Supervision (3)
8080 Managing a SW Practice (3)
8155 Informatics & Data Driven Decision Making (3)
8020 Fundamentals of Quantitative SW Research (3)
8030 Qualitative Methods for SW (3)
SUAP 8100 Public Policy Statistics (3)
PADM 8600 Admin Theory & Ethics (3)
Electives (12)
3) Students are required to complete a minimum of 6 hours of dissertation (SWRK 9000).