To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, a student must satisfy general university and college requirements, have a minimum grade of “C-” in all engineering, science, and mathematics courses that are applied toward the degree, and complete the Course Sequence. For credits transferred from another institution, only those civil engineering, science, and mathematics courses with a minimum grade of “C-” may be applied toward the degree. Waiver of departmental graduation requirements for exceptional circumstances will be granted only upon approval of both the department chair and the Dean of the College of Engineering (or designee).
Honors Program
Students are eligible for the honors program in Civil Engineering if they have a minimum overall GPA of 3.25 with a Junior or Senior standing or have received the approval of the departmental honors committee. The honors program in Civil Engineering requires 9 hours of upper division honors courses. Those students who complete the program and the regular B S in Civil Engineering requirements will be recognized at the commencement ceremony by having their degree conferred “With Honors in Civil Engineering.” Moreover, the student’s diploma and record at the University of Memphis will reflect this accomplishment. Details concerning this program and honors course offerings are available in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Total Hours Required for Graduation: 128
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement
** Courses offered only online or both online and on-ground
Accelerated BS/MS in Civil Engineering
This program allows outstanding undergraduates to earn a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Civil Engineering in as little as five years by taking graduate-level technical electives that will count toward both degree programs. Specifically, students who are selected into this program can satisfy the undergraduate requirement of nine hours of technical electives by taking 6000-level courses that will then be counted toward their graduate degree program. However, the graduate coursework will not be included in the undergraduate GPA.
Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the Accelerated BS/MS in Civil Engineering program early in their undergraduate career in consultation with their advisor in the Department of Civil Engineering. Students with a minimum GPA of 3.25 may apply for the accelerated program once they have completed 15 credit hours of 3000-level CIVL coursework.
In order to apply, students must have the recommendation of their undergraduate academic advisor, and the concurrence of the department chair and graduate coordinator in the Department of Civil Engineering. In order to remain in the program, students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.25. To continue in the program past the B S in Civil Engineering, students must apply for full admission into the Graduate School and the M S in Civil Engineering program.