Feb 14, 2025
English, (B.A.)
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Program objectives for a B.A. in English are: (a) to develop skills in critical thinking, reading, and writing; (b) to have opportunities to consider the relationships among language, literature, culture, and writing; (c) to concentrate study of these interrelated areas in one of six endeavors, each with its own particular focus: African American literature, applied linguistics, creative writing, English as a second language, literature, and professional writing.
University General Education Program (41 Hours)
See Graduation from the University for the University General Education Program requirements. English majors take ENGL 1010 , ENGL 1020 , and ENGL 2201 or ENGL 2202 to complete General Education Program Requirements and English Major requirements. The Major (33 hours in addition to University General Education Program)
ENGL 1010, 1020, and 2201 or 2202 or equivalents with a minimum grade of “C-” are prerequisites for most upper division (3000 and 4000-level) courses in the Department of English. Consult the UG catalog for exact requirements. Major Core (12 hours) One Course from the following:
Note: Creative Writing Concentration must select ENGL 4599, 4604, or 4605. Professional Writing Concentration and ESL-Licensure Track must select ENGL 3604 or ENGL 4602. Note the Following:
- Students should see the English advisor who will explain the advantages of the various concentrations and assist students in developing an appropriate program of study.
- Courses taken to satisfy the core requirements may not be used to satisfy concentration requirements.
- No more than a total of six (6) hours in ENGL 3100-3119, ENGL 4101-4110-ENGL 4109 , and 3 hours in ENGL 4900 may be applied to the English major.
- Students who wish to satisfy the requirements for both the English major and the endorsement to teach English in high school should consult the College of Education for licensure requirements.
- ENGL 3500 and ENGL 3603 may not be used to satisfy any requirement for the English major.
- ENGL 4900 and ENGL 4996 may not be used to satisfy required hours in any concentration.
Electives (9 hours)
Nine hours of upper-division ENGL courses. Honors Program
Honors sections of English courses required to fulfill lower-division general education requirements (ENGL 1010 , ENGL 1020 , ENGL 2201 , ENGL 2202 ) are open to qualified students enrolled in University Honors, regardless of their major. The Department of English also offers an honors program open only to English majors, who maintain an inclusive grade point average of at least 3.25 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 in all coursework counting toward the major. For a degree conferred “with Honors in English,” students must take 12 hours of English Honors coursework as follows: Details of the program are available at https://www.memphis.edu/english. Typical 4-Year English Sequence
Senior Year
- UD ENGL elective (3)
- ENGL concentration (3)
- UD elective (3)
- UD elective (3)
- Elective (3)
- UD ENGL elective (3)
- ENGL concentration (3)
- UD elective (3)
- Elective (4)
Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement |
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