Feb 03, 2025
World Languages and Literatures, (B.A.)
Program objectives for a B.A. in World Languages and Literatures are: (a) have functional control of the appropriate fundamental language skills for the principal language of the major. For modern languages, these include speaking, listening, reading, and writing. For ancient languages, these include reading, reciting in a standard scholarly reconstructed pronunciation, and the ability to analyze grammatical structures in detail; (b) be able to describe and critically evaluate the cultural assumptions and points of view of the targeted culture(s) of their principal language of concentration; (c) Be able to describe and appreciate the interplay of literature, language, history, and culture in the principal language of concentration.
College and Degree (B.A.) Requirements (6-9 hours)
The College and Bachelor of Arts requirements are in addition to the University General Education Program requirements and are listed above. The Major (24-33 hours)
Successful completion of one of the following concentrations: - A single-language concentration in French, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, or *Spanish: 24 upper division semester hours.
- A two-language concentration chosen from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish: 27 upper division semester hours with a minimum of 9 semester hours in each language.
- A three-language concentration chosen from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish: All three language concentrations require prior consultation with the approval of the department chair. Plans will normally include at least 33 upper division semester hours to include at least 12 semester hours in each of two languages plus approved course work in a third language.
* Students with a single-language concentration in Spanish must take at least nine (9) hours of coursework at the 4000 level under the SPAN prefix, including: Electives
Electives may be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120. Accelerated B.A./M.A. Program in World Languages
This program allows outstanding undergraduates to begin the coursework for the Master of Arts in Romance Languages (with a French or Spanish concentration) during their senior year. Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the Accelerated B.A./M.A. program early in their undergraduate career, in consultation with their advisor in the department. Working with the undergraduate and graduate academic coordinators, undergraduates selected into this program begin a carefully tailored course of study which will allow them to complete their B.A. degree while they also begin the coursework toward their M.A. To apply, students must have a minimum 3.25 grade point average, and must submit two reference letters to the chair of the Department of World Languages and Literatures. Each applicant will complete an interview with the appropriate graduate coordinator (in either French or Spanish). Students must also apply to the Graduate School for the accelerated B.A./M.A. program, which allows them to take graduate courses. To continue in the program past the B.A., students must apply for full admission into the Graduate School and into the Romance Languages M.A. program. Only in ABM programs, up to 12 hours of graduate course work may be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate programs. However, any graduate coursework will not apply to undergraduate GPA. Typical 4-Year French Concentration Sequence
Semester Totals 30-31 hrs
Junior Year
- History (3) *
- Fine Arts (3) *
- Elective (3)
- UD FREN (3)
- UD Elective (3)
- History (3) *
- Elective (3)
- UD FREN (3)
- UD Elective (3)
- Elective (3)
Senior Year
- UD FREN (3)
- UD FREN (3)
- Elective (3)
- UD elective (3)
- UD elective (3)
- UD FREN (3)
- UD elective (3)
- UD elective (3)
- Elective (4)
Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement Typical 4-Year Spanish Concentration Sequence
Semester Totals 30-31 hrs
Junior Year
- History (3) *
- UD SPAN (3)
- Elective (3)
- Elective (3)
- UD elective (3)
- History (3) *
- Elective (3)
- Elective (3)
- UD Elective (3)
- One 4000 level SPAN course
Total Hours Required for Graduation: 120
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement University General Education Program (41 hours)
See Graduation from the University for the University General Education Program requirements. Six hours of Humanities are satisfied by taking MUHL 3303 and any 4000 level MUHL elective.
Admission Information for the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music
Admission to the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music requires an audition. This information can be found on the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music website under Audition Information.