Mar 02, 2025
Liberal Studies, Religious Studies, (B.L.S.)
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The Religious Studies program is designed for students with a diversity of cultural backgrounds, academic interests, and professional aspirations. Religion is intertwined with many other aspects of society and culture, so knowledge of different religious traditions is beneficial to success in many fields, such as business, healthcare, social science, and the humanities. In addition to a basic core of classes, students may individualize their program of study by choosing to study particular religious traditions, various religious contexts, or different methods in the study of religion. This program also helps students to develop skills in critical thinking, the analysis of complex issues, and oral and written expression.
General Education (35-41 hours)
See University General Education Program for the University General Education Program requirements. Students who have completed one year of American History in high school are exempted from the six credit-hour History General Education Program requirement; otherwise, students will have to meet the History requirement. Coordinated Study (36 hours)
Many upper-division (3000/4000-level) courses have prerequisites that must be met prior to being permitted to register for those courses. You are responsible for knowing and satisfying all course prerequisites. Some (not all) prerequisites are listed below. For specific information about courses and the prerequisites they may have, please view course descriptions at: Course Descriptions Many courses also require permits from the department that teaches the course. For example, SWRK and CJUS courses will always need permits from those respective departments. College of Professional & Liberal Studies staff cannot issue permits for courses taught in other departments. ALL 3000/4000 level classes taught by the College of Business (ACCT, ECON, FIR, MGMT, MKTG) require a permit; students must request a permit online at: https://fcbeacad.memphis.edu/permits/ Religious Studies Core (12 Hours)
Religious Context Courses (24 Hours)
- AAAS 4251 - African Religions/Diaspora Credit Hours: (3)
- ANTH 3253 - Myths, Witchcraft, Ritual, and Religion Credit Hours: (3)
- CLAS 2481 - Mythology ** Credit Hours: (3)
- COMM 3100 - Communication Ethics ** Credit Hours: (3)
- COMM 4373 - Interracial Communication** Credit Hours: (3)
- COMM 4375 - Intercultural Communication ** Credit Hours: (3)
- ENGL 4461 - Bible as Literature Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3273 - Islamic History to 1405 Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3274 - Islamic History since 1405 Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3275 - History of Jewish People Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3320 - Ancient Empires Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3321 - Ancient Near East Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3323 - The Ancient Greek World Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3324 - The Ancient Roman World Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3370 - Medieval Europe Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3881 - African American History ** Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3884 - Civil Rights Movement Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 3910 - Witchcraft, Magic, and Sorcery in Early America Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4272 - Modern Middle East ** Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4276 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4327 - Life and Death in Ancient Egypt Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4329 - Imperial Rome Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4361 - History of Byzantine Empire ** Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4380 - Renaissance and Reformation Europe, 1400-1650 Credit Hours: (3)
- HIST 4381 - The Enlightenment, 1650-1815 Credit Hours: (3)
- JDST 2850 - Religions of Abraham Credit Hours: (3)
- JDST 3601 - Judaism Credit Hours: (3)
- JDST 3661 - Perspectives on the Old Testament Credit Hours: (3)
- JDST 4511 - Holocaust Studies Credit Hours: (3)
- PADM 3501 - Civic Engagement, Voluntarism Credit Hours: (3)
- PADM 4226(TNe) - Intro Nonprofit Organizations** Credit Hours: (3)
- PHIL 3701 - Human and the Divine Credit Hours: (3)
- PHIL 3702 - Philosophy of Religion Credit Hours: (3)
- PHIL 3720 - Asian Philosophy Credit Hours: 3
- PHIL 3721 - Chinese Philosophy Credit Hours: (3)
- PHIL 3722 - Buddhist Philosophy Credit Hours: (3)
- POLS 3102 - Religion and Politics Credit Hours: (3)
- RLGN 3001 - Exploring Christian History Credit Hours: (3)
- RLGN 3002 - Islam** Credit Hours: (3)
- RLGN 3515 - Women, Gender, and Religion** Credit Hours: 3.0
- RLGN 3550 - Clash of Cultures Credit Hours: 3
- RLGN 3565 - Comparative Christianity Credit Hours: 3
- RLGN 3592 - Religious Perspectives on Death & Afterlife Credit Hours: 3
- RLGN 4050-4065 - Special Topics in Religious Studies Credit Hours: (0)
- RLGN 4990 - Capstone Project Credit Hours: (3)
- SOCI 3805 - Race and Religion in the US Credit Hours: 3
- SOCI 3860 - Religion and Society ** Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 3540 - Ethics & Professionalism ** Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 3565 - Comparative Christianity** Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 3590 - New Testament Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 3585 - Old Testament Empires & Interpretations** Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 3592 - Religious Perspectives on Death and Afterlife Credit Hours: (3)
- UNIV 4110 - Internship** Credit Hours: (3-6)
- WMST 3515 - Women, Gender, and Religion** Credit Hours: 3
College Requirements (9 Hours)
Thematic Studies (6 hours)
College of Professional & Liberal Studies thematic studies course(s) are designed to broaden a student’s knowledge of significant themes in social, political, and religious history. Review a complete list of courses: https://www.memphis.edu/cpls/resources/thematic_studies.php Senior Project (3 Hours)
The senior project is a student’s culminating experience or capstone designed to synthesize and integrate the content of a student’s program of study. The senior project is intended to fuse the two or more academic areas that comprise the student’s coordinated study (major) into an academically-relevant example of scholarship. Students will complete a thesis, task-based, or artistic project on a topic of their choice with approval of their senior project instructor. The senior project is completed during a student’s final semester. Students will be assigned to a specific section based on their concentration. General Electives (29-34 Hours)
May be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120 with a minimum of 42 upper-division hours. |
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