Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Courses offered only online or both online and on-ground are indicated with (**)asterisks.


Hospitality and Resort Management

  • HPRM 2003 - Special Events

    (1) Introduction to special events management and potential careers in this field. Hands on experience with special events while partnering with destination management company to work with planning and operations in multifaceted special events area.
  • HPRM 2004 - Distinguished Speakers

    (1) Series of lectures from high ranking professionals from the hospitality industry in areas of lodging, food service and tourism.
  • HPRM 2006 - Professional Development

    (1) Conducting a self-assessment; development of a resume and self promotion materials; presentation skills; social skills needed to obtain and retain career position; corporate communication skills.
  • HPRM 2007 - Resort Management

    (1) Currents events and trends in the resort and tourism industry; impact of external publics on resort industry; identifying resort management decision-making tools.
  • HPRM 2011 - Hosp Ind Managerial Acct

    (3) Presentation, interpretation, and analysis of internal and external hospitality financial reports affecting management decisions using Uniform Systems of Accounting. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050 .
  • HPRM 2056 - Restaurant Serv Mgmt Lab

    (2) Lab to go with HPRM 3070 .
  • HPRM 2111 - Intr/Hospitality Indstry Exper

    (1) Introduction to internship requirement and development of job search skills. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050  or permission of instructor.
  • HPRM 2900 - Intermed ELC in Hospitalty Mgm

    (1) Experiential learning credit (ELC) through a formal evaluation process.
  • HPRM 2999 - Purchase/Hospitality Industry

    (1) Purchasing in commercial restaurants, hotels, food service, contract food service, institutional food service, catering, quick service.
  • HPRM 3010 - Hospitality/Resort Colloquium

    (1) Introduction to hospitality and resort industry; presentations and discussions by major industry professionals; students submission of a synopsis of each speaker’s major points. PREREQUISITE: junior-level standing.
  • HPRM 3050 - Food/Beverage Controls

    (3) Fundamentals of food, beverage and labor control through menu planning, engineering and cost analysis. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050 , HPRM 2011 , HPRM 3070 .
  • HPRM 3060 - Food & Bev. Production Theory

    (1) Roles and standard operating procedures used for food and beverage operations in lodging settings. Emphasis on food preparation techniques, basic purchasing procedures, kitchen and dining equipment, product identification and guest services styles and standards used in various lodging operations. COREQUISITE: HPRM 3061  .
  • HPRM 3061 - Basic Food & Bev Prod Lab

    (2) Laboratory to go with HPRM 3070 .
  • HPRM 3062 - Rest. Management Service Lab

    (2) HPRM 2052 Lab course designed to provide students with an understanding of quantity food production principles and techniques. Students in this class apply organizational and management skills in the actual operation of a restaurant facility.
  • HPRM 3070 - Food Production and Service

    (4) Theory, application and understanding of safe food production methods and terminology; culinary hand tools and equipment operation including knife usage; principles and applied fundamentals of property service techniques and beverage handling. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050 .
  • HPRM 3130 - Hospitality Law Ethics & Risk

    (3) Laws and regulations applicable to the ownership and operation of inns, hotels, motels, resorts, restaurants, bars, and other hospitality businesses; laws and regulations that influence business and management decisions in the hospitality industry; ethical issues involved in managing hospitality operations.
  • HPRM 3315 - Hospitality Human Resource Mgm

    (3) Acquisition, utilization, and retention of human resources in hospitality industry; human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, development, motivation, associate relations, performance appraisal, legal issues.
  • HPRM 3320 - Hospitality Financial Mgmt

    (3) Fundamental principles and concepts of revenue management including capacity management, duration control, revenue forecasting, discounting, displacement analysis, rate management, and dynamic pricing. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 2011  , HPRM 3330 .
  • HPRM 3330 - Managing Hotel/Resort Ops

    (3) HPRM 2330 (3330). Management of critical resources for running hotel and resort operation in effective and efficient manner; customer services, service quality, and service delivery.
  • HPRM 3331 - Lodging Mgmt Lab

    (2) HPRM 2331 Lab component to go with HPRM 3330 .
  • HPRM 3600 - Entertainment Management

    (3) Fundamental standards, techniques, practices of club, cruise, gaming, theme park, special events management. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050 .
  • HPRM 3650 - Comm & Rec Food Serv Mgmt

  • HPRM 3680 - Inro to Wine & Spirits

  • HPRM 3810 - Food Safety & Sanitation in Hospitality

    Introduction to sanitation in public health as related to the food service industry, including potential hazards that may occur in the operation and production of food.
  • HPRM 3911 - Pre-Internship in HPRM

    (1) Focus on the requirements and process for applying and successfully completing an internship program at Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management. Students will also learn about professionalism and resume writing skills. Prerequisite for HPRM 4991.
  • HPRM 4007 - Resort and Timeshare Mgmt

    (3) Overview of dynamic resort and distinctive lodging industry; differences in core lodging competencies between resorts and traditional hotels, such as accounting and human resources.
  • HPRM 4111 - Prof Development/Hospitality

    (1) Fundamental of resume preparation, interviewing styles and strategies, and business etiquette through professional development workshops and presentations from successful hospitality professionals. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 1050 , HPRM 2111 , senior standing in HPRM.
  • HPRM 4301 - Event Management for HPRM/PR

    (3) (Same as PBRL 4301 ). Researching, planning, coordinating, marketing, managing,and evaluating the planning for special events in the hospitility industry. Special attention will be given to the needs of the public relations industry. Hands on experience will be integrated into the curriculum. PREREQUISITE: students must have completed 60 hours of coursework.
  • HPRM 4320 - Hospitality Services Mktg

    (3) Principles and models of services marketing with focus on applications to hospitality services industry; expansion of traditional marketing mix variables into additional development of hospitality service concepts, marketing plans, and service quality assessments.
  • HPRM 4322 - Adv Food/Beverage Management

    (0) (Same as NUTR 4322 ). Foundations of managing restaurants and associated beverage operations; planning and control procedures, human resources management, customer service, marketing strategies, and emerging technologies; relationship between food and beverage operations and overall hospitality organization. PREREQUISITE: MGMT 3110 
  • HPRM 4331 - Adv Resort/Lodging Management

    (0) Issues, theories, and best practices of resort and lodging industry. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 3330 .
  • HPRM 4340 - Information Technology HPRM

    (3) Framework for information technology, systems development methodologies, and strategic information systems planning; current issues relating to the hospitality industry; focus on using information technology in networked environment to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
  • HPRM 4350 - Properties Develomnt/Planning

    (3) Problems and opportunities inherent in developing and planning resort and hospitality facilities; sequence of property development, conceptual and space planning, design criteria, and construction management; establishing appropriate facilities requirements, understanding industry practices, and implementing properties decisions with integrated design, operations, financial and real estate framework.
  • HPRM 4400 - International Hospitality

    (3) Issues, challenges and practices of global hospitality and tourism marketplace.
  • HPRM 4401 - Management of Tourism

    (3) Tourism as a system; interaction of various parts of tourism; managers influence in tourism’s success.
  • HPRM 4620 - Hospitality Operational Anlys

    (3) Management tools in analyzing operational effectiveness of hotels and resorts. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 3330 .
  • HPRM 4700 - Integrative Challenge

    (3) Capstone course integrating academic and experiential learning through service learning projects building on leadership skills. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 4315, HPRM 4320 .
  • HPRM 4900 - Advanced ELC in Hospitality Mg

    (1) Students may earn up to 30 upper-division hours of ELC/PLA credit through a formal evaluation process.
  • HPRM 4910 - HPRM Problems

    (1) Approved research projects with faculty supervision. PREREQUISITE: senior standing and permission of department chair.
  • HPRM 4911 - Hospitality Mgmt Internship

    (3) Work-based learning course that enables students to develop practical skills, relate theory to practice and to gain a sound base of industrial experience by working, on a paid or voluntary basis, for an organization within the hospitality and tourism industry; develops practical competencies to assist in progressing toward a career in the hospitality industry. Students are expected to submit weekly reports and a final report as a requirement for this course. PREREQUISITE: HPRM 3911 , Junior standing, and a minimum 2.7 GPA.
  • HPRM 4996 - Senior Honors Thesis

    (3) Independent research open only to students enrolled in the Honors Program. Thesis supervised by area faculty member. PREREQUISITE: senior standing and and permission of the Director of the College Honors Program.

Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

  • ICL 3000 - Principles of Teaching

    (3) Research practices and application of principles of instruction that promote effective teaching and facilitate cognition. PREREQUISITE: EDPR 2111 , LEAD 2010 .
  • ICL 3001 - Know/Learn/Math/Science

    (3) Focus on issues of what it means to learn and know science and mathematics; includes critical examination of the needs of a diverse student population; discussion of current issues in education, especially as related to mathematics and science education. Enrollment limited to students in the Tigers Teach program.
  • ICL 3002 - Classroom Interactions

    (3) Focus on teaching and learning in mathematics and science; includes introduction to ways in which curriculum and technology are effectively used in classroom settings; examines equity in mathematics and science. PREREQUISITE: INTD 1020, 1021, and ICL 3001 . COREQUISITE: ICL 3003 .
  • ICL 3003 - Pract Secondary Math/Science

    (1) Extended field experiences involving observation and teaching in high school mathematics and science classrooms. PREREQUISITE: INTD 1020, 1021, ICL 3001 . COREQUISITE: ICL 3002 .
  • ICL 3333 - Stdnt Assess/Inst Dec Mkng

    (3) Examination of aspects and types of classroom assessments, with particular interest on formative assessment, and the subsequent use of assessment results to improve student learning. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP.
  • ICL 3901 - Special Problems Instruction

    (1-6) Supervised individual investigation in area of instruction. PREREQUISITE: experience as teacher or satisfactory evidence of being qualified to benefit from course.
  • ICL 4001 - Teaching/Diverse Environment

    (3) Teacher candidates develop appropriate knowledge and skills for managing the total learning environment in school settings; emphasis on developing skills that facilitate effective teaching through appropriate management techniques that are sensitive to the individual needs of students within culturally and economically diverse population, and that encourage the involvement of parents and community members.
  • ICL 4002 - Fndmtl/Urban Mid Grade Ed

    (3) Teacher candidates develop knowledge of best practices for middle grades learning and cognition; identify, develop, and evaluate strategies and techniques of instruction that are sensitive to individual needs of children within a culturally and economically diverse population. Emphasis on planning, instruction, assessment, and professional development. Clinical/field experiences: additional hours required. PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4003 - Teach Mid School Language Arts

    (3) Principles, techniques, materials for teaching language arts in middle grades. Additional hours of field experience required. (F) PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4004 - Teach Mid Grade/Math

    (3) Instructional techniques, curriculum and materials for teaching mathematics to middle school students with emphasis on problem solving. Clinical/field Experience: additional field hours are required. (F) PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4005 - Teach Mid Grade/Science

    (3) Instruction in principles, techniques, and materials for teaching relationships among science, technology, and society, for the middle grades students. Additional field hours are required. (F) PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4006 - Teach Mid Grade/Social Science

    (3) Instructional strategies and assessment procedures relevant to teaching social studies to students in the middle grades. Emphasis will be placed on how to address the National Council of Social Studies Standards with middle school students. Clinical/field Experience: additional field hours are required. (F) PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4007 - Curriculum/Instr Sec Math

    (3) Examination of research-based instructional approaches in secondary mathematics; investigation of mathematics curriculum standards and curricular materials. PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4008 - Teaching Math in Urban Schools

    (3) Examination of equity and opportunity to learn mathematics in urban schools; history of mathematics education; culturally relevant pedagogy and teaching linguistically diverse students. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4020 - Language/Comm/Diverse Classrm

    (3) Instruction for students with typical and exceptional communication needs; interpreting speech/language assessment reports and designing instruction; use of augmentative and alternative communication devices and working with non-native English speaking students. Field Hours: 8. PREREQUISITE: SPED 2000 . COREQUISITE: ICL 4021 , SPED 3800 , ELED 3271 , LITL 4241 , admission to TEP.
  • ICL 4021 - Professional/Ethical Practices

    (3) Education policy and practice; accountability, ethics, advocacy. and social challenges; working with families and community stakeholders; instructional planning includes creating individual education plans, individual family plans and transition planning. PREREQUISITE: SPED 2000 .
  • ICL 4080 - Math Methods High School I

    (3) Pedagogical content knowldege in secondary mathematics focusing on Functions and Statistics and Probability. COREQUISITE: MATH 4080 .
  • ICL 4081 - Math Methods HS Teachers II

    (3) Pedagogical content knowledge in secondary mathematics focusing on Functions and Statistics and Probability. PREREQUISITE: provisional TEP admission. COREQUISITE: MATH 4081 .
  • ICL 4121 - Library Materl Yng Peop/Adlts

    (3) Evaluation and selection of books and related library materials for leisure interests and curriculum needs of young people and adults from junior high school up; extensive reading, introduction to selection criteria, bibliographic aids, authors and illustrators, and types of literature and information books.
  • ICL 4450 - Indivilized Instrctn Practicum

    (1-3) Implementation of instruction in individual and small group situations for learners experiencing difficulty in selected basic skills areas; requires design and delivery of tutorial type instruction under guidance of supervisory personnel. Repeatable May be repeated for maximum of 9 hours credit. (S/U)
  • ICL 4701 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4702 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4703 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4704 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4705 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4706 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4707 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4708 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4709 - Workshops in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

    (1-9) Various areas of curriculum and elements of instruction explored. Active student participation included. See online class listings for specific workshop number and topic. Repeatable May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit in any one topic. (S/U)
  • ICL 4715 - Clinical/Practicum

    (2) Seminars and participation as assistant to classroom teacher; emphasis on teacher roles and on adapting subject discipline to school curriculum. PREREQUISITE: EDPR 2211, LEAD 2010 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4716 - Project-Based Instruction

    (3) Students master new technologies for project-based investigations in mathematics and science classrooms; use of assessment to improve student learning. Enrollment is limited to students in the Tigers Teach program. PREREQUISITE: ICL 3002 , ICL 3003 . COREQUISITE: ICL 4717 .
  • ICL 4717 - Pract in Project-Based Instruc

    (3) Extended field experiences involving observation and teaching in high school mathematics and science classrooms. Field experiences focus on the implementation of Project-Based Instruction. PREREQUISITE: ICL 3002 , ICL 3003 . COREQUISITE: ICL 4716 .
  • ICL 4761 - Aerospace Ed in Schools

    (3) Aerospace content and flight experiences. Emphasizes classroom application.
  • ICL 4762 - Adv Aerospace Ed in Schools

    (3) Theory, principles and practices related to historical development of aerospace; emphasis on both civilian and military uses of aerospace capabilities. Appropriate utilization of aerospace research, concepts, and “spinoffs” for instructional purposes in the classroom at all grade levels. PREREQUISITE: ICL 4761 .
  • ICL 4800 - Residency II Prof Seminar

    (3) Seminar taken concurrently with Residency II; focus on the capstone assessment (edTPA) as well as analyzing and solving issues encountered during the Residency; focus on assisting teacher candidates in developing their expertise as professional educators. Successful completion of capstone assessment required. PREREQUISITE: Full admission to TEP, passing all required licensure exams. COREQUISITE: ICL 4904 .
  • ICL 4901 - Student Teach/Early Child

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4902 - Clinical Residency II/ECED

    (9) Full-time planned placement appropriate to candidate’s area of licensure providing opportunities to demonstrate competencies associated with successful teaching and student achievement. Capstone performance assessment requirement for successful completion. PREREQUISITE: admission to the Residency, approval from Director of Teacher Education, and passing all required licensure exams. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 .
  • ICL 4904 - Residency II Clinical

    (9) Full-time clinical placement appropriate to candidate’s area of licensure providing opportunities to demonstrate professional competencies associated with successful teaching and student achievement. Capstone performance assessment required for successful completion. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP and passing all required licensure exams. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 .
  • ICL 4906 - Teaching All Learners

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4907 - Stdnt Tchng/Secondary School

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4908 - Student Teaching/Health

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4909 - Student Teaching/Phys Ed

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4910 - Stdnt Tchng/Voc Home Ec

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4911 - Student Teaching in Music

    (2-10) Full-time planned and supervised experience in a setting appropriate to student’s area of specialization providing opportunities to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrate professional competencies in educational setting. PREREQUISITE: approval from Teacher Education Director. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 . (S/U)
  • ICL 4913 - Clinical Residency II/Mid Grds

    (9) Full-time clinical placement appropriate to candidate’s area of licendure providing opportunities to demonstrate professional competencies associated with successful teaching and student achievement. Capstone performance assessment required for successful completion. PREREQUISITE: admission to the Residency, approval of Director of Teacher Education, and passing all required licensure exams. COREQUISITE: ICL 4800 .
  • ICL 4914 - Residency I Practicum

    (5) An in-depth clinical experience designed to provide teacher candidates an opportunity to experience all aspects of being a professional educator. Candidates will be placed in partner schools for the entire first week of school and for multiple days each week of semester. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP and passing appropriate Praxis II content knowledge exam. COREQUISITE: course work by licensure area with approval from advisor.
  • ICL 4950 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4951 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4952 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4953 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4954 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4955 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4956 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4957 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4958 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4959 - Special Topics in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

    (1-3) Current topics in areas of curriculum and instruction at all levels. Topics are varied an in online class listings.
  • ICL 4960 - Academic Content for Teaching

    (1-9) Academic content areas in disciplines supportive of school curriculum. Repeatable May be repeated to remove deficits for teacher licensure and with change of content.
  • ICL 4999 - Experiential Learning Credit

    (1-30) Experiential learning credit (ELC) is a highly individualized process whereby students can use the learning outcomes that they have earned through a broad range of out of classroom experiences before admittance to the University of Memphis to petition for college credit.

Instructional Design and Technology

  • IDT 3600 - Technology in Education

    (3) Integration of varied uses of technology into classroom learning environments while increasing students’ technological knowledge and skills; word processing, spreadsheets, authoring; Internet tools and resources, presentation, communication, collaboration. Additional field experience hours required.

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