Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Services for Students

Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation serves to recruit, admit, and enroll undergraduate students who are academically prepared to succeed and graduate from the University of Memphis. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation attracts freshman, transfer and international undergraduate students to join the University of Memphis student community at Memphis, Lambuth (located in Jackson, Tennessee) and UofM Global (the University of Memphis online degree programs).

The University of Memphis Campus Visits Program is located at 101 Wilder Tower and Undergraduate Admissions is located at 204 Wilder Tower. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. To contact, please call (901) 678-2111, email recruitment@memphis.edu or visit the Admissions website at http://www.memphis.edu/admissions

Come visit the Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation Office for the following assistance: 
• Information on general admission—please use the online form
• To setup a True Blue Tiger account to check application status
• To take a campus tour
• To sign up for New Student Orientation

The New Student Orientation program, which is required for all first time degree-seeking students, is held during the summer for new freshmen and transfer students. The New Student Orientation program equips new students and families with the campus knowledge of curriculum, resources and technology to facilitate their transition and development to become successful students at the UofM.

During New Student Orientation, students meet with an academic advisor, plan their course schedule, and register for classes. Even though advisors help students select the appropriate courses, this does not relieve students of their responsibility to study the Undergraduate Catalog and fulfill all of the requirements for their specific degree program. (Note: Before students attain senior standing, they should consult with the college level advisor or graduation analyst of the college regarding fulfillment of requirements for their degree.)


The University of Memphis places students according to their ACT subscores in English, Math, and Reading, provided that those scores are less than 5 years old at the time of enrollment. At the University of Memphis:

  • Students with ACT reading subscores below 19 are required to enroll in ACAD 1100 .
  • Students with ACT English subscores below 18 are required to enroll in prescribed English courses.

If students feel they have been misplaced by their ACT subscores in English and reading, they may take the ALEKS and Accuplacer test to attempt to place in a higher level course. All students, regardless of their ACT math subscore, are required to take the ALEKS placement exam for math.

Students without ACT scores are required to take a placement test, the ALEKS and Accuplacer test, to determine the best course placement for them. The test provides students and their advisors with important information about educational preparation and is a good beginning toward the achievement of academic goals.

The Enrollment Services Student Support Center (One-Stop Shop)

The Enrollment Services Student Support Center (One-Stop Shop) is a central hub for prospective and current students to get answers and help with admissions, financial aid, scholarships and registration. The One-Stop Shop handles the majority of the walk-in traffic and incoming phone calls for the Enrollment Services Division. They also collect any documentation that the division requests in order to complete prospective and current students’ admission and financial aid processing.

Come visit the One-Stop Shop if you need:

• Assistance with admissions, financial aid, scholarships and registration forms and processes
• To drop off documentation relating to admissions, financial aid, scholarships and registration

The One-Stop Shop is located at 103 Wilder Tower and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For assistance, please call (901) 678-2501 or send an email to EnrollmentServicesCenter@memphis.edu. More information about the One-Stop Shop services can be found at www.memphis.edu/enrollment/onestop.

Registration and Student Records

Continuing students may register as early as November for the upcoming Spring semester, and as early as April for the upcoming Summer and/or Fall. The academic year consists of two semesters and a summer term. The fall semester begins in late August or early September and ends in December; the spring semester begins in January and ends in May; and the summer session is held between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the fall semester.

Students are responsible for becoming familiar with University deadlines, rules, and regulations pertaining to registration.

The three units of the Registrar’s Office (003 Wilder Tower) provide information and assistance as they relate to (1) Student Records, (2) Student and Faculty Services (registration and enrollment), and (3) Veterans Educational Benefits and Certification. Information concerning registration, grades, transcripts, and more can be found on the Registrar’s Office website at http://www.memphis.edu/registrar.

Student Records – Current semester grades may be obtained on Student Self Service in myMemphis, the UofM portal, at https://myuofm.memphis.edu.

To release a student’s transcript, the University requires either written or secure electronic authorization from the student. Transcripts may be requested online through the myMemphis portal using Credential Solutions or at http://transcriptsplus.net/order, in person (003 Wilder Tower), or by mail. A valid request made in person or by mail must include the following information: complete name and any former names; Banner ID Number (U#) or the last four digits of the Social Security Number; birth date; current address; first and last years of attendance; recipient mailing address(es), and the number of copies to be sent to each address. Requests not submitted electronically must be signed and dated. Except for transcripts ordered through Credential Solutions, which have a charge of $2.85 per transcript, no fee is charged for the first twenty transcripts. There is a charge of $5.00 when requesting more than twenty transcript copies at one time. No transcript(s) will be released if you have not satisfied all obligations to the University. By state law, the University cannot release grade reports and transcripts to students who have outstanding financial obligations to the University. If you have any additional questions, please contact Student Records (Transcripts) at (901) 678-3927.

Student and Faculty Services – This unit provides services related to student current term enrollment and personal biographic/demographic data, such as assistance with schedule adjustments (drop/add/withdrawal), name changes, change of major, enrollment verfications, etc.

Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification – This unit provides assistance for eligible national guard/reserves, veterans and/or dependents who enroll at the University using their VA educational benefits. When contacting this unit, eligible students should be prepared to furnish the following documentation:

  1. Copy of the Certificate Of Release Or Discharge From Active Duty, (DD-214 Member-4) or other armed forces separation papers
  2. Copy of Delayed Enlistment Contract
  3. Copy of marriage license and children’s birth certificates
  4. Copy of final divorce decree if either veteran or spouse was previously married
  5. VA File Number
  6. Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE)
  7. Kicker Contract

Additionally, veterans should contact this unit for information on and questions regarding: enrollment status; degree planning; repeat courses; certification; VA educational tuition deferment requests; and early registration for veterans. For more information on educational benefits and certifications, please visit http://www.memphis.edu/registrar/vetedben/index.php

Bursar (Student Business Services)

University Fees and Charges

All University fees and charges are calculated and assessed consistent with policies and procedures of the University of Memphis Board of Trustees. Information in this catalog is intended to cover the situations that most students will encounter. However, the University may have additional policies and procedures by which fees and charges are implemented or that apply to unusual situations.

The information in this section concerning registration fees is applicable only to students enrolled in the undergraduate colleges and departments of the University. Similar information for students in The Graduate School and The School of Law is available in the catalogs of those schools. The tuition, fees and other important student financial information is located on the Bursar’s Office website.

Tuition/Fees and Refunds

Fee Payment Policy
Out-of State (Non-Resident) Tuition 
Program Service Fees
Special Course Fees and Material Fees
Residency Classification
Academic Common Market 
Programs for Persons with Disabilities  
Programs for 60 Years of Age for Audit or 65 Years of Age or Older
Refund of Tuition and Fees 
Veterans Programs and Benefits

Please note the following:

  • Fees for AUDITING courses are assessed on the same basis as fees for credit courses. 
  • The listing of any fee or incidental charge in this publication or on the Bursar’s Office website does not constitute a contract between the University and the student. As a condition of registration, each student will pay the fees in effect for the semester for which he or she registers. All questions regarding fees, fee payment, refunds, and appeals should be directed to the Bursar’s Office (115 Wilder Tower) or email Bursar2@memphis.edu.
  • Fees are subject to change without notice. The University will usually collect the amount of fees due at the time of enrollment fees satisfaction in accordance with the residency classification and fee rates in effect. After all enrollments are complete, any over-collections will be refunded and students will be billed for any under-collections.

Other Fees
Below are a few listings of other University fees.  A list of special course fees, materials fees, miscellaneous fees and housing rates, etc. is available on the Bursar’s Office Explanation of Fees website.

Credit by Examination
Dining Dollars
Experiential Learning Credit Fees
Foreign Language Placement Examination
Late Payment Fee
Late Registration Fee
Return Payment Service Charge
Fee Payment Methods
University ID Cards (Campus Card)
Tiger Funds
Student Financial Appeals

Student Affairs

Adult, Off Campus  and Transfer Student Services

Adult, Off Campus and Transfer Student Services within Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI), located at 243 University Center, offers an abundance of amenities to help the adult and non-traditional veteran or commuter student become better acquainted with student life. The office provides a computer lab, a quiet study area, a lounge space with free coffee and hot chocolate, transportation, off-campus housing information, monthly seminars, and the department’s e-newsletter.

The Adult Student Association, is geared toward non-traditional college students, usually age 25 and older, with an informal way to receive support during their educational experience and to express concern about any particular issues that may arise.

The University of Memphis knows that academic and career success are inextricably tied to the student’s welfare and effectiveness in intellectual, personal, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, and family arenas. Students will find numerous programs and services within Student Affairs to acquire and enhance a range of skills vital to their success. Some opportunities include wellness education and health care, personal counseling and stress management training, career exploration and development, internship and job search support, tutoring and academic skills development, accessibility services, leadership skills coaching, interpersonal effectiveness training, and referral services. Student Affairs believes in partnerships with departments across the campus to address the comprehensive needs of students.

Career Counseling

Career Counseling, located at 211 Wilder Tower, affords students an opportunity to explore self, career options, obtain information relating academic majors to career choices, evaluate employment outlook information, and develop realistic career goals. Through counseling, computer assistance and testing, each person is given the opportunity to make a well-considered career choice.

Career Services

Career Services, located at 400 Wilder Tower, focuses on “educating, engaging, and empowering the University of Memphis community. Career Services works with students during all phases of the career development process. Services include: assessments, career planning, resume critiquing, mock interviewing, on-campus interviewing, and internship and job search preparation. Career Services offers numerous resources that assists students with their professional development and career needs. Individual advising is available to students needing assistance with resume writing, cover letters, and job and internship searches. Class and student organization presentations are offered throughout the fall and spring semesters on career-related topics such as resumes, interviews, dress for success, negotiation for job/salary offers and proper etiquette.

All services are offered free of charge. There are seven career specialists assigned to Tiger Talent communities. Please contact the office to identify your Tiger Talent community. For purposes of interviewing, registration for services through eRecruiting is required, and it is recommended that seniors and graduate students register three semesters prior to graduation. Career Services is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Counseling Center 

The Counseling Center, located at 214 Wilder Tower, provides students with the opportunity to discuss and explore any concerns and feelings that are of importance to them. Problems in relationships, feelings of loneliness or inadequacy, family or marriage difficulties, depression, the inability to concentrate/study, or simply “feeling the need to talk things out” are all examples of concerns that are dealt with through the counseling center. The staff is professionally trained and experienced in working with a wide variety of student concerns through individual and group counseling, testing, programs, workshops, and referral to additional service centers on and off campus. The counselors subscribe to the confidentiality policy in the ethics and guidelines established by the American Psychological Association.

Campus Recreation & Intramural Services (CRIS)

CRIS, located at 620 Echles Street, contributes to the health, physical, psychological and social well-being of the university community by serving students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the University of Memphis. Participation in sports and other leisure activities contributes to the total educational process through the development of skills essential for everyday life.

The Student Recreational and Fitness Center are the primary venues for recreation at the University. At this location, CRIS provides pools, weight and cardio areas, equipment purchases and rentals, outdoor and indoor gyms, field space, tennis and sand volleyball courts, exercise classes, fitness programs, personal training, massage therapy, swim lessons, clinics, informal recreation, special events, and competitive intramural and club sports focusing on our increasing leisure time. The student-oriented CRIS staff offers a wide variety of programs and give personal attention to the needs of all individual participants.

Community Service 

The Student Leadership and Involvement Office promotes and supports service efforts by the University of Memphis students and works with local community agencies to engage students in a variety of meaningful service activities. The office serves as a resource center for community service programming in order to help students expand their understanding of social/community issues, develop leadership skills, and work on solutions to real life problems. For more information on these initiatives, contact the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement at 211 University Center.

Child Development Center 

The Child Development Center offers childcare services for University of Memphis students. Space is available on a first come/first serve basis. The center accepts children between the ages of 30 months and 12 years.

During the fall and spring semesters, the center’s hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m.- 9 p.m., and Friday from 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. The summer semester operating hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m.- 9 p.m. and Friday from 6:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Hours of operation may vary and be based on enrollment. For additional information, visit the Child Development Center located at 3875 Tiger Paw South (Northeast of the Central Avenue Parking Lot-adjacent to the University town-home community).

Disability Resources for Students

Disability Resources for Students, located at 110 Wilder Tower, provides information and support services that enable students with disabilities to take full advantage of the educational opportunities at the University of Memphis. Specific services are determined individually and are based on functional limitations caused by disability. Services include: pre-enrollment planning, specialized orientation, early registration, adapted campus housing, academic aids ( readers, note takers, and interpreters), test accommodations, alternate format text and print materials, assistive computer technology, supportive guidance and counseling, etc. Some services require advance notice to arrange.

All persons who have a disability are encouraged to register with Disability Resources for Students and provide this office with medical documentation of the functional limitations related to their disability. This registration entitles qualified students with disabilities to the legal rights provided under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Given adequate time, experienced staff will provide assistance in evaluating individual needs and in developing a plan for appropriate disability services. For more information, please contact Disability Resources for Students at (901) 678-2880.

Fraternity & Sorority Affairs: Thirteen international fraternities and twelve international sororities are active on the University of Memphis campus. The University strives to maintain a strong Greek community through coordination of Greek activities provided by the Office of Greek Affairs in areas of social service, philanthropy, scholarship, spiritual life, social development , and sense of leadership.

Fraternities: Alpha Phi Alpha, Iota Phi Theta, Kappa Alpha Order, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Zeta Beta Tau.

Sororities: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Delta, Lambda Theta Alpha, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Sigma Kappa, and Zeta Phi Beta.

Multicultural Affairs 

The Office of Multicultural Affairs, located at 223 University Center, provides a welcoming and supportive environment that advises students of color with regard to their academic, social, cultural and financial affairs. With a caring and professional staff, the office helps students adjust to learning, living, and working in a large university setting

Students also utilize the office as a source of information about opportunities for leadership development, conferences, internships, scholarships, professional schools, and community involvement.

The office is home to several student organizations, including: The Black Student Association (BSA), Black Scholars Unlimited (BSU), Empowered Men of Color (EMOC), the Hispanic Student Association (HAS), and the University of Memphis Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). All UofM students are encouraged to join these organizations and can visit the office in 223 University Center.

Parent & Family Services 

Parent & Family Services, located in 215 Administration Building, informs and engages parents in the University of Memphis community. The office advocates for family involvement to promote student development and student success as well as to provide opportunities for parents and families to connect with the Tiger experience. All parents and families are encouraged to get involved and join the Parent & Family Association. For questions, comments or concerns, feel free to visit the office or call at (901) 678-5206.

Registered Student Organizations 

There are 285 registered student organizations at the University. Student organizations represent a broad range of endeavors, including: academic, social, spiritual, cultural, service, recreational, and special interest. For information, contact the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement located at 211 University Center.

Religious Life

Religious Life is comprised of several religious organizations that provide activities and communities that focus on the religious or spiritual development of University students. Many of these organizations have ministry facilities close to campus or utilize University facilities for their programs. Organized religious groups include: Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Campus Outreach, Catholic Campus Ministry, Christian Student Center (Soma - Church of Christ), Hillel of Memphis (Jewish Student Union), Presbyterian Place, RUF (Reformed University Fellowship), and Wesley Foundation (United Methodist). There are also numerous religious registered student organizations on campus.

Student Health Center 

The Student Health Center, located at 3770 DeSoto Avenue, is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. The facility is closed evenings, weekends, holidays, and announced university holidays. Early evening hours may be available Monday through Thursday, 4:30 - 6 p.m. during fall and spring semesters.

Medical services are available to students, faculty and staff members on a walk-in basis. Each visit to the Student Health Center requires the individual to present a valid University of Memphis identification card before treatment is provided.

The Student Health Center is staffed with a physician, nurse practitioners, nurses, laboratory and X-ray technologists, health educators, and various administrative support personnel. The department’s major emphasis is on the diagnosis and treatment of short-term, acute medical illnesses on an outpatient basis. One’s family doctor should continue to be the primary source for medical care. A Family Planning Clinic is provided by the Shelby County Public Health Department at Student Health Services on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The Family Planning Clinic schedules appointments and provides birth control information, devices, medications, and examinations (by appointment).

Health Center visits, along with in-house laboratory analyses ordered by the provider, are free of charge for students. The patient will be asked to pay for laboratory tests sent to an outside laboratory for analyses. Payment may be made by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express credit card, or Tiger Fund$. When in-depth evaluation or treatment is needed, the patient is referred off-campus, and the patient is responsible for all charges incurred at that facility. Family Planning Clinic charges are on a sliding fee scale, and payment is made directly to the Family Planning Clinic.

Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) 

SLI, located at 211 University Center, provides programs and opportunities through which students may experience meaningfully involvement on campus. SLI includes: Adult, Off Campus and Transfer Student Services, Community Service, Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, Registered Student Organizations, Student Activities Council and Student Government Association.

Student Activities Council (SAC) 

SAC within SLI is the principal programming body for the university community. It is composed primarily of student volunteers for the purpose of providing social, cultural, recreational and educational activities, and events that appeal to a wide variety of interests. Music, comedy, films, lectures and cultural events are just a few of the many activities planned and facilitated by the Student Activities Council (SAC).

Student Accountability, Outreach and Support 

Student Accountability, Outreach and Support, located at 359 University Center, is responsible for the administration of the University of Memphis Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which outlines the rules and regulations necessary to govern the behavior of students and student organization.

The case manager for the Student Accountability, Outreach and Support is available to support students with emergency needs and can be contacted at (901) 678-2298. The case manager also oversees our Tiger Pantry, which helps alleviate food insecurity for students.

Student Government Association (SGA) 

SGA within SLI is a unique organization of students who work together and are committed to improving the University community. SGA represents all students, both graduate and undergraduate, and strives to bring each student’s interest to the forefront. The University of Memphis SGA consists of the Executive members, the Senate, the Student Court, and the Freshmen Council. The SGA office is located at 214 University Center. 

Tiger Dining

Tiger Dining offers a variety of dining facilities, vending areas and coffee bars in a number of locations on campus, including two all-you-care-to-eat options, Fresh Food Company and a Union Food Court that includes: Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, Topio’s Pizza, and several other national brands. Tiger Dining also offers a variety of meal plans for students living on and off campus. For catering information, contact the office at (901) 678-2046.

Veterans Educational Benefits and Certification

Located within the Registrar’s Office (003 Wilder Tower), the Veterans Educational Benefits and Certification unit helps veterans, their spouses, and their dependents in taking full advantage of the educational benefits available to them from the Federal and Tennessee governments while attending the University of Memphis.

Veterans & Military Student Services (VMSS) 

VMSS, located in University Center Suite 222, assists veterans, service members, and their families with the transition from a military environment into a positive academic community. Additionally, the office helps students who are in pursuit of professional and personal development by connecting them to expert support services and tools to enhance academic and professional success.

VMSS offers involvement opportunities, such as the Student Veteran Organization, Student Veterans in Business Association and Green Zone Training to enhance the student veteran experience.  

Other Activities

Other Activities and Services

Academic Counseling Center

All freshmen, transfer, and readmitted students who have not decided upon an academic major are assigned to the Academic Counseling Center (ACC). The purpose of the ACC is to provide academic counseling that will prepare students to choose a major and then be enrolled into one of U of M’s degree granting colleges. The counselors are available by appointment to discuss the many academic programs offered and to help the students explore these possibilities as they relate to their personal and educational goals.

Athletic Academic Services

The Center for Athletic Academic Services is located in Wilder Tower, room 600, and provides counseling, tutoring, scheduling assistance, career planning and special services for all the University of Memphis student athletes. The center also handles NCAA interpretations and the academic eligibility requirements of student athletes.

Center for International Education Services (CIES) 

The Center for International Education Services (CIES) is home to the Study Abroad Office, the Intensive English for Internationals program and the International Student Services Office. The center’s mission is to provide comprehensive support for the needs of the international community at the University of Memphis and to prepare our students to become global citizens.

Intensive English for Internationals (IEI)

The Intensive English for Internationals (IEI) program offers a comprehensive study of the English language to students from around the world. The IEI curriculum prepares students for entry into graduate and undergraduate programs at U of M and other universities throughout the United States.  Additionally, the IEI program offers courses to international professionals living in the Memphis area to improve their working knowledge of English. Students have many varied opportunities to participate in unique programs designed to enrich their experiences at Memphis, such as the Conversation Partners Program Friendship Families, conditional admissions to the U of M and preparatory classes for TOEFL, and other standardized tests.

IEI offers five 8-week sessions during the academic year with starting dates in January, March, May, August and October. Classes are small and designed to develop communication and academic skills in English through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Study Abroad

The Study Abroad Program provides students with the opportunity to combine a rigorous academic program with a cross-cultural learning experience that is not available in the United States.  University of Memphis students may choose from over 200 semester, academic year and short-term programs in 60 countries to meet their diverse needs.  Most programs offer courses fully taught in English while others provide the opportunity to increase foreign language skills. Program options include direct exchanges with partner institutions abroad, affiliate programs with organizations that sponsor programs in countries throughout the world, and short-term faculty-led programs.

Competitive Study Abroad Scholarships are available to both undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, financial aid, along with most academic scholarships can be used towards the cost of a study abroad experience.

The Study Abroad Office also manages the University’s partnerships and agreements with international institutions and provides support to J-1 international exchange students attending the University of Memphis.

International Student Services (ISS)

International Students Services (ISS) provides a wide range of services and support for F-1 international degree seeking students and their dependents. Some of the services include compliance with U.S. visa and Immigration regulations for international students, maintaining University compliance with the United States Student and Exchange Visitor System (SEVIS) that reports directly to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement division of Homeland Security (ICE). Outside of compliance and reporting issues, the ISS Office conducts orientations and informational workshops for international student development and retention and designs cross-cultural programs to integrate international students into the academic, social and cultural life at the University of Memphis.


The University of Memphis offers the prerequisite courses student must complete prior to applying for admission to professional school in medicine, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, podiatry, chiropractic medicine, physician assistant or cardio-respiratory care, as well as the prerequisite classes required for admission to an allied health program such as cytotechology, dental hygiene, health information management, medical technology, occupational therapy, or physical therapy.

The Pre-Health Advising Center, located in 107 Scates Hall, and designated faculty members work closely with students seeking admission to professional school. Students receive counseling in regard to course sequencing and professional school admission requirements. In addition, the Pre-Health advisor coordinates workshops and meetings with health science professionals to provide students with in-depth insight into their chosen profession.

The University of Memphis Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), the National Premedical Honor Society, holds regular peer mentorship sessions and activities of interest to pre-health students. Qualified students are encouraged to apply for membership in AED. Membership eligibility criteria and application forms are available in 107 Scates Hall.

The Pre-Health Advising Center welcomes the opportunity to be of assistance to students whose goal is admission to a health science professional school and encourages them to take advantage of the opportunities the Center provides.

Pre-Law Resource Center

The Pre-Law Resource Center provides resource advising for students interested in applying to law school. Pre-law students must meet with their academic advisor on a regular basis to discuss degree requirements, progress toward degree completion, and course sequencing for each semester.

Law schools do not prescribe a definite pre-law curriculum for prospective applicants. Therefore, there is no single major required for pre-law students. Instead, law schools seek to attract applicants possessing a broad educational background. The University of Memphis offers a minor in Legal Thought and Liberal Arts, designed for students who intend to enter the legal profession. Course work in the minor introduces students to the major intellectual traditions of the West and assists in the development of the skills necessary for future success in law school.

The Pre-Law Society provides students the opportunity to meet practicing attorneys, judges, law school faculty and admissions officers as well as other students with similar interests. The society, in cooperation with the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, sponsors an annual orientation afternoon at the law school during which members have the opportunity to attend classes and meet law faculty and students.

Students interested in law school, the minor in Legal Thought and Liberal Arts or the Pre-Law Society should contact the Pre-Professional advisor in room 107 Scates Hall.

The University Store

The University Store is managed by Barnes and Noble Bookstores, Inc. for the convenience of students, faculty and staff. In addition to textbooks and required school supplies, the store handles a large selection of general books, complete line of insignia clothing and gift merchandise, microcomputers, art supplies, and a variety of items for the convenience of the resident students.

Post Office
The University Post Office has post office boxes available for rent by students and faculty. Student mail should be addressed as follows:

Student Name

The University of Memphis

XXXX Campus Postal Station

Memphis TN 38152-xxxx

Automobiles on Campus

Each student who operates and parks any motor vehicle on the campus of the University of Memphis must be registered with the Parking Office by receiving an official permit (hang tag). Permits (hang tags) are permanent and must be displayed when parking a vehicle on campus. The Parking Office will issue each new student a permit (hang tag) when the student registers for classes. The student will receive a validation sticker for placement on the original parking permit every subsequent semester that he or she registers.

A valid parking hang tag does not guarantee a parking space on University property. It is the driver’s responsibility to locate an authorized parking space and abide by the parking rules and regulations of the University of Memphis. Citations will be issued and vehicles may be towed for violations.


The Department of Art sponsors visiting artists and lecturers, workshops and symposia through the academic year. The Art Museum of the University of Memphis (AMUM) provides students and the community with an on-going schedule of exhibitions. It also houses permanent collections of African and Egyptian art and artifacts. The Museum maintains a wide selection of objects from ancient to contemporary that are available for student research.


The Department of Music presents annually some 200 concerts, recitals and other cultural events to the University and community at large. It offers many activities and programs in which students may participate as individuals or as groups. Qualified students, regardless of major, may participate in the numerous musical groups including the University Symphony Orchestra, the University bands, and a variety of choral groups and small instrumental ensembles. Additionally, the University’s state-of-the-art recording studios are open for student use after proper instruction.

Theatre and Dance

The Theatre and Dance Department sponsors guest artists, workshops, and a full season of theatre and dance productions available to all full-time students. Additionally, all students, regardless of major, are invited to participate in departmental productions either as performers or backstage persons. Production opportunities exist in both the main theatre and dance season as well as many informal activities such as Lunchbox Theatre.


Programs in radio, television, and film are offered by the Department of Communication. WUMR-FM 92 is student operated. Two state-of-the-art television/film studios also offer students the opportunity to participate in broadcasting quality productions.


The Daily Helmsman, which has published continuously since 1931, is an independent student newspaper at the University of Memphis. The print edition is published four days a week, Tuesday through Friday, August through May. Editorial decisions are made entirely by student editors without influence or censorship by faculty, staff or administrators.

Goodwyn Institute Lectures

The lectures and addresses offered by the Goodwyn Institute cover a variety of subjects. The purpose of these lectures is to provide a system of continued education for adults and youths along general and special interests, concentrating on illustrated lectures covering all areas of the world, and to afford authoritative and accurate information upon practical and cultural subjects.


The University of Memphis cheerleaders are one of the “Premier College Squads in the Nation.” The cheerleading squads consist of a Varsity team (up to 10 couples) and an all-women “Blue Squad” that has 14 to 16 members. The mascot, “Pouncer,” and both squads cheer at all University of Memphis home football and basketball games. The Blue Squad also cheers for the Lady Tigers’ home games in the Field House on the University of Memphis campus. The cheerleaders and “Pouncer” are involved in an array of community and University activities. For additional information, contact the Cheerleading Office, Room 375, Field House.

Pom Squad

The University of Memphis Pom Squad is the top dance team in the country, having won the National Championships nine times. There are two squads, the Varsity and Junior Varsity. Both squads perform at all home football games. The Varsity attends all men’s basketball games, performing half-time shows at selected games. The Junior Varsity performs at the Lady Tigers’ home games. For additional information, contact the PomPon Office, Room 377, Field House.

Honors and Awards

Honor Societies

Alpha Epsilon Delta, international premedical honor society
Alpha Kappa Delta, the national honorary society in sociology
Alpha Lambda Delta, a national honor society for freshman students
Black Scholars Unlimited, an honor society promoting academic experiences in scholarship, leadership, and service with special emphasis towards black students
Chi Beta Phi, a national science and mathematics honorary society
Chi Sigma Iota, a national counseling honor society
Gamma Beta Phi, an honor and service society
Gamma Theta Upsilon, a national honorary society for geography students.
Golden Key National Honor Society, a national interdisciplinary honor society for academically outstanding juniors and seniors
Honors Students Council, an organization for University Honors students
Kappa Delta Pi, a national honor society in education
Lambda Pi Eta, a communications studies honorary
Mortar Board, a national honor society established to provide for cooperation among honor societies for seniors
Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society
Order of Omega, a national honor society for members of Greek fraternities
Phi Alpha Theta, the national honor society in history
Phi Eta Sigma, a national freshman scholastic honor society
Phi Kappa Phi, a national all-discipline honor society
Pi Delta Phi, a society to recognize outstanding scholarship in French language and literature
Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society in political science
Pi Tau Sigma, the national honor society in mechanical engineering
Pinnacle, an honor society for nontraditional students Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology
Sigma Delta Pi, the national Spanish honor society
Sigma Pi Sigma, a national honor society for physics students
Sigma Tau Delta, a national honor society for English language and literature students
Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering academic honor society


Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges is one of the highest honors that a student may receive at the University of Memphis.

Special Awards

Departmental Awards

College of Arts and Sciences
Fogelman College of Business & Economics
College of Communications and Fine Arts
College of Education
Herff College of Engineering
Loewenberg College of Nursing
University College
Department Of Aerospace Studies
Department Of Military Science
Department Of Naval Science

Special Awards

Maria Leonard Scholarship Award is presented annually by Alpha Lambda Delta, national scholastic honor society, to the senior member of the society with the highest academic average.

Golden Key National Honor Society presents annually two scholarships to junior and senior members of the local chapter who have excelled in scholarship, leadership and participation in activities.

Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship Awards are presented annually to five undergraduate and graduate members who demonstrate high scholastic ability and excellent leadership, who provide meaningful service to the University, and who will continue their studies at the University.

The David A. Collins-Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Scholarship Award is presented to a member of the U of M Circle who will continue studies at the graduate level, who has shown responsible and effective leadership, who has made significant contributions to the student body, and who inspires and encourages others to use their leadership talents for the benefit of their peers.

The Honors Program Director’s Award is presented to an honors student for outstanding academic performance in an honors curriculum.

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Award for Volunteerism is presented to that student who best exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and action that helps alleviate human need.

The Joseph R. Riley Student Service Award is presented for outstanding service to the Honors Program and the Honors Student Association.

The Samuel T. Boswell Student Leadership Award is presented in recognition of outstanding leadership in campus issues and activities, example set for peers, the display of personal and political courage, and/or community involvement.

Rosetta I. Miller Award is presented to the outstanding woman student who has returned to college despite significant hardships.

Greek All-Sing Follies Scholars Merit Awards: Scholarships of $250 each are awarded annually by the Interfraternity Council to the pledge/associate from the previous fall or spring semester who attained the highest grade point average, and to the fraternity member with the highest grade point average over the past two consecutive semesters.

The Women’s Panhellenic Council annually awards one $250 scholarship to the sorority member who has attained the highest scholastic average. In addition, a Pledge Scholarship in the amount of $250 is awarded to the fall semester pledge who attained the highest average for the semester.

Two Panhellenic Council scholarships are awarded each spring to the PHC fraternity man and sorority woman who have obtained the highest cumulative grade point average for the previous year. Awards are in the amount of $250 each.

Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics Scholar Award is presented annually to the woman athlete who has maintained the highest grade point average while at the University.

The Elma Roane Outstanding Woman Athlete Award is presented to the junior or senior woman athlete who best exemplifies the following qualities: drive, enthusiasm, determination, concern for others, love for athletics, maturity, involvement in campus activities, and self discipline in all aspects of life.

Campus Recreation and Intramurals Awards are presented annually to the intramural Greek, intramural Independent Resident, Panhellenic Manager of the Year, and Outstanding Official of the Year who show leadership and interest in the intramural program.

College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences Awards

THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DEAN’S AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT is presented to a student who has displayed outstanding academic achievement, as well as strong leadership, character, scholarship, and contribution to department and campus activities.
THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY presents the Outstanding Anthropology Senior Award to the student with the most outstanding record of academic achievement in the major. The department also presents the Outstanding Anthropology Student Service Awards to the graduating student with the most outstanding record of contributions to service and engaged outreach.
THE BIOLOGY FACULTY AWARD is presented to the undergraduate student who makes the most significant contribution to the department.
THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY presents the Outstanding General Chemistry Student award to the student in Principles of Chemistry who has demonstrated outstanding leadership ability and scholastic achievement.
THE DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE annually presents the Mu Sigma Chi Professional Criminal Justice Award to the student of Criminal Justice deemed outstanding in professional activities.
THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH offers several awards:

  1. The Distinguished Scholarship Award presented each year to the English major whose work demonstrates an unusually high order of academic excellence.
  2. Honors Thesis Award presented in recognition of the outstanding honors thesis by a student in the English Honors Program.
  3. Giem and Collins Writing Contest presented for excellence in student writing produced in freshman and sophomore English courses.

THE DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES annually presents the Outstanding Senior Award to a senior in Geology exhibiting scholarship, leadership and service. The department also presents each year the Paul H. Sisco Award to the outstanding senior Geography major.
THE DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES presents the Outstanding Foreign Language Student of the Year award to a major who has consistently excelled in the discipline.
FRENCH GOVERNMENT ASSISTANTSHIPS: The French Government through the French Embassy in The United States, on the recommendation of the French Section of the Department of Foreign Languages, each year awards one or more assistantships in France for the teaching of English in secondary schools.
THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY annually presents the Tennessee Historical Commission Award to that senior student of History judged by the faculty to be the outstanding History major. The department also presents an award for the outstanding paper presented by an undergraduate.
THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PROGRAM Outstanding Senior Award is presented to the student with the most outstanding record of academic achievement in the major.
THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES annually presents the R. P. Clark Memorial Award to an outstanding junior.
THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD is presented to a student in Philosophy chosen on the basis of high scholastic achievement, papers written, and performance in senior honors seminars.
THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS each year presents the Outstanding Student Award to the most distinguished senior Physics major.
THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE presents the Outstanding Student Award each year to the graduating senior majoring in Political Science who has compiled the best record of academic achievement in the discipline. Also The John W. Burgess Award is presented for meritorious achievement in Political Science, and the Pre-Law Award is presented to the political science major whose pre-law studies demonstrate high promise for a distinguished legal career.
THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY presents annually The Dr. Milton C. Addington Award for Excellence in Psychology to the senior Psychology major exhibiting the most individuality, interest, initiative, integrity, creative ability and originality.
THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY annually presents The Jerry Michel Outstanding Student Award to the senior student judged to be the outstanding Sociology major.
ALPHA EPSILON DELTA , the health pre-professional honor society, annually presents the Student of the Year Award to the member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, loyalty, and responsibility.
THE CHl BETA PHI SCIENCE AWARDS are presented to students who have attained the highest academic average during their four years of study in each of the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, and Psychology.

Fogelman College of Business and Economics

The Fogelman College of Business and Economics Awards

Dean’s Award for Most Outstanding Student is presented to an outstanding student who has displayed strong leadership, outstanding character, scholarship, and who is active in department and campus activities.

School of Accountancy Outstanding Graduate Award is presented to the graduating student who has the highest overall scholastic average among all Accountancy majors.

The Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants Award, Memphis Chapter, is presented annually to the graduating student who has the highest overall scholastic average among all Accountancy majors.

The Outstanding Economic Undergraduate Student Award is presented by the Department of Economics to a junior or senior Economics student with the highest grade point average. A similar award is presented to the graduate student in Economics.

The Memphis Chapter of The Society of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters annually awards a check and a plaque to the outstanding student in the field of insurance.

Academic Excellence Award for the Department of Management is presented annually to the B.B.A. graduate in Management of the past year with the highest scholastic achievement.

Academic Excellence Award for the Department of Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences is awarded to the B.B.A. graduate of the previous year with the highest scholastic achievement.

Outstanding Undergraduate Marketing Student is presented to a graduating student with outstanding scholastic achievement and service to the department, University, and community.

Outstanding Undergraduate Logistics/Marketing Major is presented to a graduating student with outstanding scholastic achievement and service to the department, University, and community.

Outstanding Undergraduate Marketing Management Major is presented to a graduating student with outstanding scholastic achievement and service to the department, University, and community.

Outstanding Undergraduate Sales Major is presented to a graduating student with outstanding scholastic achievement and service to the department, University, and community.

Crawford Delta Sigma Pi Award is awarded annually to an outstanding pledge member of the Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity who has demonstrated creative leadership skills and outstanding scholastic ability.

Delta Sigma Pi, international business fraternity annually awards a scholarship key to the student in The Fogelman College of Business and Economics graduating with the highest academic average in business.

The Union Planters/U of M Fogelman College Alumni Chapter Scholastic Achievement Awards are awarded each semester to three graduating seniors in recognition of their outstanding scholastic achievement in the college. Award includes a check and their names inscribed on a plaque.

College of Communication and Fine Arts

The College of Communication and Fine Arts Awards

Dean’s Academic Achievement Award is available to a student majoring in a discipline within the College of Communication and Fine Arts. It recognizes the graduating student with the highest grade point average.

Dean’s Creative Achievement Award is based on outstanding creative activity in the areas encompassed by the College of Communication and Fine Arts.

Creative Achievement in Art is awarded annually by the Art Department for outstanding creative achievement in art to a senior majoring in Art. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 is required.

“Best of Show Award” Juried Student Exhibition is awarded annually to the student whose work is judged “Best of Show” in the Annual Juried Student Exhibition.

Thesis Award in Art History is presented in recognition of an outstanding masters thesis in Art History.

Art History Graduate Award is presented annually to a graduate student for outstanding initiative and research.

Art History Undergraduate Award is presented annually to an undergraduate student for outstanding work in Art History.

Society of Professional Journalists, Memphis Chapter, annually presents a certificate of achievement and a cash award to the student chosen as outstanding in the field of Journalism.

Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi Mark Of Excellence Awards, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, West Tennessee Region, annually presents first place awards for Best TV Broadcasting, Best Editorial Cartoon, Best Feature Article, and Best Photography Feature.

Sigma Alpha Iota College Honor Award is an award based on musicianship, scholarship, and general contribution to the collegiate chapter.

Sigma Alpha Iota Honor Certificate is presented annually to the graduating senior of this chapter having attained the highest academic average.

Paul Eaheart Memphis Woodwind Quintet Scholarship is presented in honor of Paul Eaheart for excellence in wind performance.

Lubrani Clarinet Award, in memory of Professor Frederic Lubrani, is presented for clarinet performance ability, general scholarship, service to the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music, and potential in the profession.

Smit Composition Award is presented in memory of Professor Johannes Smit for excellence in composition.

Hearst Awards are presented as the result of an annual national Writing, Broadcasting, and Photography competition among accredited journalism programs for work appearing in student publications. Cash prizes range from $200 to $2,000 with matching awards going to sponsoring journalism departments.

Hohenberg Foundation, Inc. Dance Award is presented annually to a student pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Dance. The recipient must have at least a 2.5 GPA.

Art Center Supply Award is given annually to a sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in Graphic Design. Selection is based on portfolio and academic performance.

Memphis-Germantown Art League Award is presented annually in the spring to an undergraduate Art major who has demonstrated exceptional artistic abilities in any discipline within the Department of Art.

University Bookstore Supply Award is given annually to an undergraduate Art major. Selection is based on portfolio and academic performance.

The Linn Sitler Theatre Award is presented to an outstanding Theatre student with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

The Saul Brown Award is given to a Journalism major concentrating in news writing. Saul Brown retired from the Memphis Press-Scimitar in 1980 as the newspaper’s chief photographer. Selection for the award is based on talent, skill, and a student’s promise as a journalist as demonstrated by his or her articles and/or photographs.

The Kappa Tau Alpha Award is given to the member of Kappa Tau Alpha Journalism honor society who has achieved the highest academic average.

The MTNA Student Achievement Award is given by the Music Teachers National Association annually to a music student for excellence in studio teaching.

The Raymond Lynch Oboe Award established to recognize the distinguished career of the former oboe teacher and associate dean of the College of Communication and Fine Arts, Dr. Raymond Lynch, is given annually to an outstanding oboist.

The Harold Streibich Award, established in memory of Att. Harold Streibich recognizes an outstanding Music Business student.

Belle Melodies Scholarship Award is sponsored by St. Mary’s Episcopal School in support of a Recording Technology student.

Phi Kappa Lambda Academic Achievement Award is presented to the senior music student with the highest GPA.

Excellence in Design Award is given annually to an undergraduate architecture or interior design student selected by a vote of the faculty. Nominations are submitted from each architecture and interior design studio faculty member. Excellence in Design Award is given annually to a graduate architecture student selected by a vote of the faculty. Nominations are submitted from each architecture graduate design studio faculty member.

ARCC Jonathan King Medal is awarded annually to a graduating architecture or interior design student based upon nominations and a vote of the department faculty. The Architectural Research Centers Consortium offers one medal per school of architecture and design internationally. The medal acknowledges innovation, integrity, and scholarship in architectural and/or environmental design research.

Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal is awarded to the undergraduate architecture or interior design student whose academics, leadership, and service best represent the ideals of Alpha Rho Chi, the national co-ed fraternity for architecture and the allied arts, as voted upon by the department faculty. Winners need not be a member of APX but must have completed third year undergraduate classes.

Creative Achievement Award is given annually to the architecture or interior design student whose overall body of work best represents the Department of Architecture and its mission. Nominations are submitted and voted upon by the department faculty.

Graduate Thesis Award is presented to a Master of Architecture student in recognition of the most outstanding graduate thesis completed during the academic year. The award is based on a vote of the department faculty.

Honors Thesis Award is presented to a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture or Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design student in recognition of the most outstanding University Honors/Department of Architecture Honors thesis completed during the academic year. The award is based on a vote of the department faculty.

 College of Education

Eleanor Mae Ferguson Award is presented each year to the outstanding junior or senior woman Physical Education major who displays strong leadership, outstanding character, and high scholarship and who performs an active role in departmental and campus activities.

Ralph Hatley Sr. Award is presented to the outstanding junior or senior male Physical Education major who displays strong leadership, outstanding character, and high scholarship and who performs an active role in departmental and campus activities.

The Department of Health and Sport Sciences Outstanding Senior In Sport and Leisure Studies Award is presented annually in recognition of meritorious scholarship, leadership and service to the University, the community and the profession.

The Department of Health and Sport Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student Award is presented annually in recognition of meritorious scholarship, leadership and service to the University, the community and the profession.

The Department of Health and Sport Sciences Outstanding Senior In Health and Human Performance Award is presented annually in recognition of meritorious scholarship, leadership and service to the University, the community, and the profession.

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Outstanding Senior Award is presented annually to an outstanding senior majoring in Special Education and Rehabilitation who displays strong leadership, outstanding character and scholarship and takes an active role in departmental and campus activities.

The Frank Dyer, Jr. Kappa Delta Pi Junior Academic Achievement Award is presented annually to the junior having the highest grade point average.

The John R. Petry Kappa Delta Pi Senior Academic Achievement Award is presented annually to the senior having the highest grade point average.

The Department of Consumer Science And Education Outstanding Senior Award is presented each year to the graduating senior in the department with the highest academic average.

The Marquita L. Irland Scholars Award is presented annually to a graduate with outstanding contributions in the areas of leadership, service to the community, to the profession of family and consumer sciences, and scholarship.

The Memphis Education Association Award is presented each year to the graduating senior who, having graduated from the Memphis City Schools System and completed all college level work in a teacher education program at the University, has attained the highest grade point average of the students in this category.

The Heber E. Rumble Outstanding Student Teacher Award is presented each year to the student whose performance in student teaching is judged to be the most outstanding.

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Outstanding Early Childhood Major Award is presented annually to the Early Childhood Education major who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship, involvement in professional organizations, and professional potential.

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Outstanding Elementary Education Major Award is presented annually to the Elementary Education major who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship, involvement in professional organizations, and professional potential.

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Outstanding Master’s Degree Candidate Award is presented to the master’s candidate who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship, involvement in professional organizations, and professional integrity.

The Dean’s Award is presented annually on the basis of scholarship, professionalism, leadership, and service to the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, the University, and/or professional organizations.

Herff College of Engineering

The Herff College of Engineering Awards

Outstanding Senior Awards in the College of Engineering are presented to the outstanding senior, based on scholarship, in each of the following departments: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering Technology.

Outstanding Student Member of IEEE is presented an award by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, student chapter.

The Thomas S. Fry Award is presented annually to the graduating Civil Engineering student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.

The T. S. Wu Design Award is presented annually to the graduating Civil Engineering student who has demonstrated outstanding design capability throughout the curriculum.

Associated General Contractors Award is presented annually by the student chapter for outstanding achievement.

Fred H. Kellogg Award is presented annually to the outstanding student in Civil Engineering that is most likely to be an outstanding professional engineer.

Ashrae Award is presented annually to the outstanding junior in Mechanical Engineering.

Engineering Dean’s Award is presented annually to the graduating student who has compiled the highest academic achievement in the college.

Engineer-In-Training Award is presented to the student who achieves the highest score on the Fundamentals of Engineering examination, which is the first step in becoming a registered engineer.

Loewenberg College of Nursing

The Loewenberg College of Nursing

Caring Award

This award is given to a student who demonstrates attributes of caring. Caring is defined as a human state, a moral imperative or ideal, an affect, an interpersonal relationship, and a nursing intervention.

Diversity Award

This award is given to a student who embodies the spirit of diversity. Diversity is defined as embracing the recognition, acceptance, and respect of human differences.

Integrity Award

This award is given to a student who demonstrates attributes of integrity. Integrity is defined as acting in accordance with an appropriate professional code of ethics and accepted standards of practice.

Leadership Award

This award is given to a student who demonstrates attributes of leadership. Leadership is defined as influencing the actions of individuals and organizations in order to achieve desired goals.

Dean’s Award

This award is given to a student who demonstrates attributes of all four of the Loewenberg College of Nursing core values: caring, diversity, integrity, and leadership.

University College

University College Awards

Distinguished Special Project Award is presented to each student whose special project has been judged outstanding by the Faculty Council of University College.

Faculty Council Award is presented to the graduating senior, each commencement, who has earned the highest overall grade point average.

Dean’s Award for Special Achievement is given to honor University College graduates who have demonstrated academic achievement, leadership, professional and/or social commitment, and determination to complete a baccalaureate program.

Academic Achievement Award is given to University College baccalaureate graduates who have demonstrated academic excellence and scholarly potential.

Alma Bucovaz Award for Urban Studies in the University College is presented to a junior or senior with an approved baccalaureate program that addresses urban problems and seeks to ameliorate urban needs.

Bornblum Judaic Studies Award is presented to students who have excelled in the study of Hebrew Language and/or Judaic Studies.

The Legal Research Award is given annually to the paralegal student demonstrating exceptional mastery of the principles of legal research and writing.

Outstanding Distance Education Student Awards are presented each year to the students (one undergraduate and one graduate) who, while taking courses away from the main campus, have demonstrated unusual commitment and scholarly endeavor in the pursuit of continuing their education. Consideration for the award may include grade point average, unusual family commitment, service to peers, ability to balance scholarly pursuit with work, family, and community service, and unusual service to U of M or Extended Programs.

Outstanding Paralegal Student Award presented to a student seeking a Bachelor of Professional Studies degree in Paralegal Services who has demonstrated academic achievement, leadership, professional and/or social commitment, and dedication to the paralegal profession and the university.

Department of Aerospace Studies

Department of Aerospace Studies Awards

The President’s Award is presented annually to the senior AFROTC cadet who has demonstrated outstanding attributes of leadership and high moral character. Selection is made by AFROTC, with final approval by the university president.

Angel Of The Year Award is presented to the member of Angel Flight who has given the most in service to the campus and the community.

Arnold Of The Year Award is presented to the member of Arnold Air Society who has given the most in service to the campus and the community.

Department of Military Service

The Department of Military Service Awards

Soldier’s Medal is awarded to cadets who distinguish themselves by an act of heroism at advanced camp.

ROTC Medal for Heroism is awarded to cadets who distinguish themselves by an act of heroism performed on or off campus.

The President’s Award is presented annually to the U of M senior cadet who has demonstrated outstanding attributes of leadership and high moral character. Selection is made by the department chair with final approval by the University president.

George C. Marshall ROTC Award is presented annually to the U of M senior cadet who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and scholastic qualities.

Hughes Trophy Award is presented annually to the cadet who is recommended by the professor of military science and the dean as the most outstanding commissioned graduate based upon officer potential and academic leadership.

Pallas Athene Award is presented annually to the most outstanding graduating female cadet.

National Defense Transportation Association Award is presented annually to the most outstanding senior cadet who is recommended by the professor of military science and the dean as being in the top twenty five percent of the ROTC and academic class and who possesses an interest in the Transportation Corps.

Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Honor Award is presented to a senior cadet majoring in Math, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, or Photography who is active on campus or academically distinguished and has demonstrated outstanding qualities of military leadership and high moral character.

Alden Patridge Commemorative Award is presented to the top graduating Science or Engineering student in the Army ROTC program.

Distinguished Military Student/Graduate Award is presented annually to senior cadets who are in the upper third of the ROTC class and upper half of the University class who are active on campus, are outstanding leaders, and possess an aptitude for military service.

Department of the Army Superior Cadet Decoration Award is presented annually to outstanding junior and senior cadets who have demonstrated academic leader qualities in scholastic and related activities and officer potential, and who are in the top twenty five percent of their ROTC and academic class.

American Legion General Military Excellence Award is presented annually to the outstanding cadet who has demonstrated qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship, and is in the top twenty five percent of ROTC and academic class.

American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award is presented annually to the outstanding junior and senior cadets who have demonstrated qualities in leadership and actively participated in student activities. and who are in the top twenty five percent of their ROTC class and the top ten percent of their academic class.

Society of American Military Engineers Award is presented annually to the junior and senior cadets who are recommended by the professor of military science and the Dean as being in the top twenty five percent of the ROTC and academic class and the outstanding Engineering students of the year.

Association of the United States Army Award is presented to the junior who contributes the most, through leadership, to advancing the standing of the Military Science Department while in the top twenty five percent of the ROTC class and top ten percent of the academic class.

American Defense Preparedness Award is presented annually to the junior cadet who demonstrated outstanding leader qualities and participated actively in campus activities, placed in the top twenty percent of the platoon at Advanced Camp, received a B or above in all ROTC classes, and is in the upper half of the academic class.

Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Scholarship Award is presented to Basic Course students accepted to the Advanced Course who are of high moral character, in the top twenty five percent of their academic class, and in need of financial assistance in completing a degree in Electrical Engineering or Technical Photography.

Daughters of the Founders and Patriots of America Award is presented annually to a freshman or sophomore cadet who is in the top twenty five percent of the ROTC class and has demonstrated excellence in history, the potential for good leadership, and related accomplishments reflecting the ideals of patriotism.

Department of Naval Science

The Department of Naval Science Awards

Trident Honor Society Award is presented to outstanding Naval midshipmen who have demonstrated the highest caliber of academic excellence.

NROTC Awards

President’s Award is presented annually by the University president to a graduating senior who demonstrates outstanding attributes of leadership and high moral character.

Navy League of Memphis Honor Sword Award is presented to the Naval Graduate selected as the one Midshipman of the graduating class who has consistently demonstrated the highest leadership ability throughout the program.

Reserve Officers Association is presented annually to the outstanding freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior who have demonstrated above average scholastic achievements, exceptional mastery of previous Naval Science courses, and superior potential for commissioned service.

The Retired Officers Association Award is presented to the outstanding junior who has demonstrated above average scholastic achievement, high moral character and exceptional potential for military leadership.

American Defense Preparedness Association Award is presented annually to an outstanding senior whose scholastic achievements are in the top half of the class and in the top one-fifth of NROTC enrollment at the University, who has shown active participation in athletics or campus activities and demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities.

Society of the War of 1812 Award is presented annually to an outstanding sophomore whose scholastic average is within the upper quarter of the class, and who demonstrates the ideals of Americanism.

Sons of the American Revolution Medal is presented annually to an outstanding freshman who has demonstrated leadership, military bearing and all around excellence in NROTC program studies and activities.

National Sojourners Award for Americanism is presented annually to a sophomore or junior who has demonstrated the ideals of Americanism, outstanding scholastic achievements and the potential to be an outstanding leader.

American Legion ROTC General Military Excellence Award is presented annually to one freshman, sophomore, and junior, each of whose scholastic achievements are in the top quarter of the class and who have demonstrated outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character and citizenship.

American Legion ROTC Scholastic Excellence Award is presented annually to a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior, each of whose scholastic achievements are in the upper ten percent of the University and who have demonstrated high qualities of military leadership.

Military Order of the World Wars Medal is presented to a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior who each have demonstrated marked improvement in military scholastic achievements.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Award is presented annually to a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior who each have demonstrated achievement and concentrated effort in Naval Science and academic subjects and demonstrated capability and diligence in the Naval ROTC program.

Daughters of the American Revolution Award is presented annually to a graduating senior whose scholastic achievements are in the top quarter of the class and who has demonstrated qualities of dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of the ROTC program.

Daughters of the American Revolution Certificate is presented annually to a junior who best exemplifies the qualities of dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of the ROTC program.

Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Award is presented annually to an outstanding sophomore or freshman who demonstrates qualities of dependability, good character, discipline, leadership, and patriotism.

Military Order of Foreign Wars Medal is presented annually to an outstanding freshman, sophomore, and junior who each have demonstrated discipline, good character, and leadership ability.

American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Medal is presented annually to an outstanding freshman with superior standing in military and academic subjects.

Naval Institute Leadership Award is presented annually to a graduating College Program student, Officer Candidate, and Marine Enlisted Commissioning and Education Program student who each have demonstrated outstanding potential for Naval leadership.

General Dynamics Award is presented annually to a Midshipman, Officer Candidate, and Marine Enlisted Commissioning and Education Program student who each have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability.

Armed Forces Communications and Electronic Association Award is presented to Midshipmen of good moral character, who are in the top fourth of their class, working toward a degree in electronics, communications, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer technology or intelligence systems, and who need financial assistance.

Armed Forces Communications and Electronic Association Honor Certificate is presented annually to a junior who has demonstrated high achievement in leadership and in academics and is academically strong in electronics, communications, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer technology or intelligence systems.

Naval Submarine League Award is presented annually to the graduating senior who has demonstrated superior leadership ability and academic aptitude for entry into the Submarine Warfare Community.

Marine Corps Association Award is presented annually to the graduating Marine-option Midshipman or Marine who best exemplifies the leadership qualities and professionalism of a Marine officer.

Mariner of the Year is presented annually by the Naval Science Department to a member of the Mariners who has given most in service to the department, University, and community.