To apply, students must have a minimum 3.25 grade point average, be within 30 credit hours of completing their undergraduate degree program, and must submit two reference letters and a copy of their transcript to the undergraduate advisor in the Department of Earth Sciences. Each applicant will complete an interview with the Graduate Coordinator and Graduate Committee representative in their specific discipline in Earth Sciences. An Earth Sciences faculty member will offer an invitation to the applicant to complete the ABM program in Earth Sciences if the student’s application meets the department expectations.
Students must also apply to the Graduate School for the accelerated B.A./M.S. program, which allows them to take graduate courses in Earth Sciences for credit. To continue in the program past the B.A., students must apply for full admission into the Graduate School and into the Department of Earth Sciences M.S. program.
Only in ABM programs, up to 12 hours of graduate course work may be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate programs. However, graduate coursework will not apply to undergraduate GPA.
Typical 5-Year Sequence for Earth Sciences ABM
All concentrations share the Typical 5th Year courses and requirements.
Total Undergraduate Hours Required for Graduation: 120
*Must satisfy University General Education Program Requirement.