Communication (9 hours)
All candidates for graduation at the University of Memphis are required to complete ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020, or their equivalents, with a grade of “C” or better. Before enrolling in ENGL 1010, a student must have either (1) an ACT English score of 18 or above, or (2) an SAT verbal score of 450 or above, or (3) a satisfactory completion of a placement test administered by the University of Memphis Testing Center. Those who do not meet the requirements above, must successfully complete a Developmental Combination ENGL 1010 section with a grade of “C” or better before proceeding to ENGL 1020. ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020 must be taken in sequence; no credit will be allowed for ENGL 1020 until ENGL 1010 has been completed successfully.
Grade Point Average
To receive a bachelor’s degree from any of the colleges in the University, students must have an overall* grade point average of at least 2.00.
*Until Summer 2015, the overall GPA will reflect all college-level coursework-U of M and transfer. Beginning Summer 2015, the overall GPA will reflect all college-level work-U of M and any transfer coursework processed prior to Summer 2015; however, the overall GPA will reflect ONLY U OF M coursework for those students whose transfer credit is processed Summer 2015 and later.
NOTE: Beginning Summer 2015, a Tennessee Board of Regents’ state-wide policy on transfer credit and GPA calculations takes effect. Beginning Summer 2015, transfer credit will be reflected in earned hours, but will no longer apply to the overall GPA (used to determine undergraduate graduation, graduation with distinction, and athletic eligibility) or to the overall combined GPA (used to determine academic standing, financial aid, and scholarship eligibility, except for HOPE):
- For New Transfer students admitted Summer 2015 and later, no transfer credit will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA.
- For Readmitted students readmitted Summer 2015 and later, no transfer credit taken since last attending the U of M will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA. Any transfer work previously processed will continue to be reflected in the GPAs.
- For Continuing students, no transfer credit submitted to and received by the U of M Summer 2015 or later will count in the overall or the overall combined GPA. Any transfer work previously processed will continue to be reflected in the GPAs.
Testing As A Prerequisite for Graduation
Any or all students may be required to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievement and achievement in their major as a prerequisite to graduation, for the purpose of evaluation of academic programs. Unless otherwise provided for in any individual program, no minimum score or level of achievement is required for graduation. Participation in testing may be required for all students, for students in selected programs, and for students selected on a sample basis. Details concerning these regulations and the dates of the examinations will appear in the online class listings each semester.