Sep 27, 2024  

Course Descriptions-Undergraduate

Courses offered only online or both online and on-ground are indicated with (**)asterisks.  Some courses described in this catalog may require additional fees.



  • ART 4322 - Drawing and Painting II

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Continuation of ART 4321 ; attention to various mixed media. PREREQUISITE: ART 3313 , ART 4321 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4331 - Painting III

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced problems in oil painting, presupposing that student has mastered basic techniques and is ready for a more experimental approach to subject. PREREQUISITE: ART 2331 , ART 3332  or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4332 - Painting IV

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Continuation of ART 4331 ; emphasis on development of personal style. PREREQUISITE: ART 2331 , ART 3332 , ART 4331 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4333 - Painting V

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Continuation of ART 4332 ; emphasis on development of personal style. PREREQUISITE: ART 4332 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4351 - Printmaking IV

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Specialization in one or two printmaking media with emphasis on development of personal imagery and technical skills. PREREQUISITE: ART 2351 , ART 3351  or ART 3352 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4352 - Printmaking V

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced work in one or two printmaking media with continued development of personal imagery and advanced technical skills. PREREQUISITE: ART 2351 , ART 3351  or ART 3352 , and ART 4351 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4353 - Computer Image Print/Photo I

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Use of digital imaging in one of several output options including:inkjet printing, lithography, screen printing, etching, silver and non-silver photographic processes; emphasis on personal expression PREREQUISITE: a computer course and either ART 2351 , ART 2701 .

  • ART 4354 - Computer Image Print/Photo II

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Advanced project using digital imaging. Proposal for study to be approved in advance; emphasis on personal expression. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: ART 4353 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4400 - Pattern Drafting II

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advancement of apparel design skills through two-dimensional fashion pattern manipulation and creation. Students focus on conceptual design through patternmaking and documentation of the design process.. Emphasis will be on the manipulation of patterns for more complex designs. Students study advanced patternmaking and construction techniques including stretch fabric blocks for garment creation emphasizing comprehensive use of acquired pattern making skills as well as advanced techniques.

  • ART 4410 - Art Educ Independ Study

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Theoretical and pragmatic ideas relevant to teaching of art. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours credit. PREREQUISITE: ART 3411 , ART 3423 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4418 - High School Art Practicum

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Observation and art teaching in a local 9-12 classroom; campus based seminars. PREREQUISITE: Art major and permission of instructor. (S/U).

  • ART 4420 - Alternative Art/Ed Practicum

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Observation and art education for special populations in local schools, community institutions or clinical settings. Includes campus-based seminars. (S/U).

  • ART 4427 - Method/Materials Art Instruc

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Curriculum planning, resources, and standards for art program goals, budget, and facilities; current art education philosophy and research. PREREQUISITE: Admission to TEP and ART 2414, ART 3416 , ART 3423 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4430 - Community Art Project

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Opportunity for art education students to utilize studio and pedagogical knowledge and skills to design and implement collaborative, interdisciplinary, comprehensive community art-based learning opportunities for urban youth. Includes 20 hours of field experience. Students submit a process portfolio documenting their experiences. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: Art Education major and permission of instructor. Students may be required to obtain a background check at students’ expense. Must be admitted to Teacher Education Program (TEP).

  • ART 4440 - Analysis of Teaching

    Credit Hours: (4)
    Description: Advanced methods for art teaching practices in schools. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP.

  • ART 4441 - Art Ed Prof Seminar

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Analysis and problem solving of art student teaching experience; creation of art teacher’s professional portfolio. PREREQUISITE: completion of all licensure and degree requirements. COREQUISITE: ART 4912 .

  • ART 4500 - Web Publishing I: html/CSS

    Credit Hours: 3
    Description: Introduction of web design software Dreamweaver and web design concept; basic knowledge of web markup language html and cascading style sheets (CSS) via hand code training; development of website projects incorporating multimedia elements; incorporation of various content management system (CMS) in portfolio setup. PREREQUISITE: PREREQUISITE: ART 3213, ART 3219, and ART 3210 or Permission of Instructor.

  • ART 4501 - Fashion Sketching and Illustration II/Collections

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: In this course, students will use all levels of research and inspiration appropriate to designing fashion collections. Illustrations will utilize advanced techniques in rendering and emphasize the fashion figure, garments, details, and textiles using various media with a focus on application of color and texture. Students will develop technical flats using traditional and digital methods and will present their resolved concepts in a format that best conveys their personal design identity.

  • ART 4511 - Sculpture IV

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced work in various sculptural media. PREREQUISITE: ART 2511 , ART 3511 , ART 3512 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4512 - Sculpture V

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Continuation of ART 4511 ; emphasis on personal expression. PREREQUISITE: ART 4511 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4515 - Design and Fit Analysis

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course provides the foundation for defining fit by applying techniques for accurately fitting garments on a body. Students will demonstrate understanding by translating changes back to a flat pattern.

  • ART 4521 - Ceramics III

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced studies in ceramic process and technique; concentration on development of personal attitudes toward work. PREREQUISITE: ART 3524 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4522 - Ceramics IV

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Technical competence and the production of ceramic objects reflective of genuinely personal involvement. PREREQUISITE: ART 4521 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4526 - Photojournalism

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced skills and photojournalism techniques for still photography and video; emphasis on action, sports, fashion, food, and portraits. Cross listing: CMM 4526

  • ART 4550 - Web Publishing II: html/CSS

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Creation and development of website projects; systematic training in writing html codes; focused learning of cascading style sheet (CSS); final production of a multimedia project. PREREQUISITE: ART 4500 .

  • ART 4560 - Interactive Media Design

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to time-based, electronic media in graphic design, impact of electronic interface on visual communication; emphasis on visual design of narrative, commercial and/or educational multimedia presentations on computer. PREREQUISITE: PREREQUISITE: ART 3222, 3227, 4220, 4500, 3210 or Permission of Instructor.

  • ART 4565 - Trend Analysis and Styling

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: The course focuses on the study of trends, trend forecasting, demographics and social issues that affect the fashion industry. It introduces students to the field of fashion styling and its relationship to the fashion industry. Through completion of location and studio projects students develop basic requirements to produce contemporary fashion imagery. Students gain experience in how to source clothing and accessories necessary for styling and creative direction.

  • ART 4575 - Sourcing and Technical Design

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Students execute creative and complex fashion flats utilizing digital tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Excel. Working from actual samples, they learn industry standards to digitally illustrate flat measurements and develop detailed callouts with related information.

  • ART 4621 - Workshop in Art I

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Specific art problems as they apply to individual student; emphasis on basic art concepts and creative experience. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

  • ART 4622 - Workshop in Art II

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Continuation of ART 4621 , providing study of problems appropriate to need of individual student. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

  • ART 4641 - Study and Travel in Art

    Credit Hours: (3-6)
    Description: Travel to important art areas of world and specialized study under direction of faculty member of Department of Art.

  • ART 4650 - Profess Art Practices

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Development of skills needed for success as practicing professional artist; portfolio preparation and presentation, marketing, contracts, copyrights, and alternative art careers. PREREQUISITE: Studio Arts or Photography concentration, or permission of instructor. COREQUISITE: ART 4990 .

  • ART 4701 - Color Photography

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Exploration of photographic perception in color; survey of history and aesthetics of color photography; techniques of color photography; emphasis on color printing. PREREQUISITE: ART 3701 , junior standing, or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4702 - Photographic Material/Process

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced technical course exploring creative potential in various contemporary photography materials, processes and techniques; emphasis on aesthetic application of those materials and techniques. PREREQUISITE: ART 3701 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4703 - Alternative Photogrphc Process

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Exploration of creative potential of archaic and non-traditional photographic processes such as Cyanotype, Gum Bichromate and Kwik-Print. PREREQUISITE: ART 3701 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4704 - Photographic Lighting

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced theory, technique, and equipment used by professional photographers for black and white and color; emphasis on aesthetic application in actual practice. PREREQUISITE: ART 3701 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4705 - Video for Artists

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Digital video art production with a focus on history of video art and personal expression.

  • ART 4711 - Adv Photography Seminar

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Creation of a unified body of photographic work based on subject matter or formal problem. Contract for study project to be approved by instructor in semester prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours credit. PREREQUISITE: ART 3701 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4712 - Photography Portfolio Seminar

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Creation and production of bound book or portfolio containing student’s photographs and written introduction. Contract for study project to be approved by instructor in semester prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours credit. PREREQUISITE: ART 4711 , or permission of instructor.

  • ART 4912 - Art Education Residency II

    Credit Hours: (9)
    Description: Implementing various methodologies, assessing students, classroom management,and classroom discipline. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP.

  • ART 4914 - Art Education Residency I

    Credit Hours: (5)
    Description: Implementing various methodologies, assessing students, classroom management, classroom discipline. PREREQUISITE: admission to TEP.

  • ART 4920 - Information Design

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Visual and visual-rhetorical techniques for information design involving time, process, value, site-specific, and statistical visualization.

  • ART 4921-4929 - Special Topics in Art

    Credit Hours: (1-3)
    Description: Lectures and conferences covering selected areas of current interest. See online class listings for topics. May be repeated; credit applicable to degree is limited.

  • ART 4990 - Senior Thesis Preparation

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Process of integrating advanced knowledge of one or more studio fields, and one or more areas of historical or contemporary art interests. Students will meet regularly with a committee of faculty to receive input and direction regarding the progress of the development of a body of work. The course will include group critiques, reading assignments, research discussion. COREQUISITE: ART 4650 .

  • ART 4991 - Fashion Design: Project Studio

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: The capstone project requires the application, analysis, and synthesis of the fashion curriculum to create and analyze the creation of a fashion collection. Students complete the development phase of their senior collection including a specification package. Emphasis placed on finished construction and presentation of their original line. 

  • ART 4992 - Fashion Merchandising: Project Studio

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: The capstone project requires the application, analysis, and synthesis of the fashion merchandising curriculum to create a final project established in fashion business, product development and promotion. Students will follow standard industry processes including analysis of the consumer, product ideation, product development, global sourcing strategies, merchandising/marketing and costing, among other key issues relevant to the fashion industry.

  • ART 4995 - Senior Thesis Exhibition

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Planning and execution of Thesis Exhibition. PREREQUISITE: ART 4990 .

Art History

  • ARTH 2000 - Introduction to Egyptology

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course will provide a general introduction to the academic discipline of Egyptology and an overview of the culture of ancient Egypt itself. Students will broaden their cultural perspective on the ancient world through an understanding of the major artistic, religious, and textual developments in Egypt, with select discussion of their influence on contemporary and later cultures.

  • ARTH 2010 - World Art I

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: (2101)
    Description: This course examines world art from prehistoric times through the medieval period. Discussions center on understanding various civilizations through their visual arts, the cultural exchange between these civilizations, and how images are used for political, economic, religious, and social purposes. Students gain familiarity with movements, time periods, and individual works of art. Students learn to identify works of art, are introduced to art terminology, practice the fundamentals of visual analysis, and develop the ability to analyze the content and contexts of works of art. [G]

  • ARTH 2020 - World Art II

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: (2102)
    Description: This course examines the art of the world from about 1400 to the present. Discussions center on understanding various civilizations through their visual arts, the cultural exchange between these civilizations, and how images are used for political, economic, religious, and social purposes. Students gain familiarity with movements, time periods, and individual works of art. Students learn to identify works of art, are introduced to art terminology, practice the fundamentals of visual analysis, and develop the ability to analyze the content and contexts of works of art. [G]

  • ARTH 2030 - Visual Studies/Indigenous Arts

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Arts and visual cultures of peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Native North America.

  • ARTH 4030-4039 - Special Topics in Art History

    Description: Topics vary by semester, see online class schedule listing.

  • ARTH 4111 - Art/Archaeology of Egypt

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Predynastic to Late Period. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010  or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4112 - Egypt Art-Old Kingdom

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Art, architecture, and archaeology, 3000-1500 B.C. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4113 - Egypt Art-New Kingdom

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Art, architecture, and archaeology, 1500 B.C.-642 A.D. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4119 - Late Antique/Islamic Art/Egypt

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Pharaonic and Hellensitic roots of Coptic Art, its 3rd and 4th century AD flourishing, place within the larger milieu of the Byzantine Empire’s culture and artistic expression, interaction with the Late Antique arts of the Eastern Mediterranean, and influence on the Islamic Art of Egypt.

  • ARTH 4121 - Ancient Art Near East

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Architecture, sculpture, painting, and the minor arts in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Syria Palestine. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4123 - Greek Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Architecture, sculpture and painting from the Bronze Age to the end of the Hellenistic period.

  • ARTH 4124 - Roman Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Architecture, sculpture and painting from Etruscan Rome to the fall of the Empire.

  • ARTH 4125 - Art/Archaeology Pompeii

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Pompeii’s excavations, art, artifacts and architecture in reconstructing ancient Roman daily life.

  • ARTH 4129 - Ancient/Medieval Architecture

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Selected topics comparing the architecture of ancient Egypt, the Classical world, and Medieval Europe. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 .

  • ARTH 4130 - Art/Medieval World

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Architecture, sculpture, and painting, including manuscript illumination of the middle ages; Western European and Byzantine traditions. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4131 - Art/Early Middle Ages

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced study of architecture, sculpture and painting of the early medieval period. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4134 - Art/High Middle Ages

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Advanced study of architecture, sculpture and painting, including manuscript illumination, ivories and stained glass in the Romanesque and Gothic periods. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4141 - Art of Italy, 1250-1450

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course examines painting, sculpture, and architecture in Italy during the major transitional period of about 1250 to 1450, immediately preceding that which is traditionally referred to as the Italian Renaissance. We will explore the historical, theological, and social roots of the artistic transformations that took place, laying the foundations for what was to come. Lectures and discussions will consider topics such as painting and devotion, image theory, art and urbanism, science and psychology, politics and power, and pictorial space and structure. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010, or permission of instructor. 

  • ARTH 4142 - Art of Northern Europe, 1350-1600

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Traditionally referred to as the Northern Renaissance, this course explores painting, sculpture, and the graphic arts of Northern Europe from about 1350 to 1600, specifically Flanders, the Netherlands, and Germany. Examining key works from the period, students evaluate the influence of political and religious institutions, expansions in international trade, and the rise of humanism. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2010, or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4143 - Art of Italy, 1450-1600

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course examines painting, sculpture, and architecture in Italy from about 1450 to 1600, during the height of the period traditionally referred to as the Italian Renaissance. As a period known for its increased naturalism in art and its advances in a variety of fields including science, philosophy, and technology, the course addresses how works of art were shaped by cultural, political, social, and global movements of the period. Throughout the term, students will explore the special characteristics of art from this period that continue to have an impact on the art world today. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020, or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4146 - European Art, 1600-1750

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Traditionally known as the Baroque and early Rococo periods, this course examines the painting, printmaking, sculpture, and architecture of Western Europe from about 1600 to 1750, one of the most expressive and volatile periods in the early modern Western world. The course largely considers how the Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation transformed the art world, and focuses on ways that art was used as a means of persuasion by political and religious institutions. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4148 - Neo-Class/Romanticism

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Western European art, ca. 1760-1850 emphasizing painting, sculpture, and art theory. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 ,or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4149 - Realism & Impressionism

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Western European art, ca. 1850-1880, emphasizing painting, sculpture and art theory. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4152 - Post-Impressionism and Symbolism

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Movements in Western European art and art theory, 1880-1905, that are the foundation of 20th century modernism. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4153 - Cubism through Surrealism

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: History of avant-garde art before World War II. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4155 - Art Since 1945

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course explores cutting-edge visual art practices and theories during the second half of the twentieth century with a focus on Western culture. Discussion moves chronologically and thematically through various innovative movements and trends, exploring internationally shared artistic techniques and goals. Students will learn about avant-garde artistic practices that have shaped and continue to shape our global culture. Students will gain familiarity with artistic movements and individual artists as well as develop the ability to analyze the content and contexts of works of art. Topics include Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Process Art, Land Art, Conceptual Art, Body and Performance Art, Installation Art, the Black Arts Movement, Feminist Art, and Queer Art. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020, or permission of instructor. 

  • ARTH 4157 - Themes in Contemporary Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: This course investigates the diversity of global visual art practices through thematic topics such as activism, nature, identity, the body, memory, spirituality, language, and science. Students will examine how practices, beliefs, systems, and narratives have come under critique and are challenged by visual artists as well as how alternatives to these practices, beliefs, systems, and narratives proposed by visual artists can lead to transformation. Emphasis is placed on contemporary art practices, but students are encouraged to consider artwork within larger historical and cultural contexts. Course discussions introduce students to aesthetic and theoretical developments, examine significant critical debates within the art world, and explore various historical, stylistic, and methodological questions raised within the visual arts and art history. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020, or permission of instructor. 

  • ARTH 4158 - Modern Architecture

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Survey of 19th century styles, 20th century masters, and contemporary developments in architecture; historic preservation.

  • ARTH 4160 - Architecture and Nature

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Survey and analysis of spaces in a variety of cultures from world history where the relationship between the natural and the built environment is healthy.

  • ARTH 4162 - Latin American Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Hispanic arts of the Americas from 1500 to the present in relation to Iberian and Indian traditions.

  • ARTH 4163 - Pre-Columbian Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Ancient art of Mexico, Central America and South America from about 1000 B. C. to European contact.

  • ARTH 4166 - American Art: 1500s-1940s

    Credit Hours: (3) Former: History of American Art
    Description: American art examined in social, cultural and historical contexts; broad range of creative expression, including fine arts, architecture, folk art, film, furniture, popular culture; covers the period of conquest to modern developments. PREREQUISITE: ARTH 2020 , or permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4167 - American Art, 1860-1945

    Description: This course will examine art and visual culture produced in the United States between two defining conflicts in U.S. history: the Civil War and World War II. We will approach the issue of defining a national art from multiple perspectives, including dominant and marginalized voices. We will also consider the changing nature of what art could resemble, who could produce it, and the groundbreaking artists and exhibitions that shaped the course of American art during this period.

  • ARTH 4168 - Art/Soc Conflict USA 1920-Pres

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Social conflicts and political controversies in American culture through the lens of visual culture including art, photography, and popular media.

  • ARTH 4181 - Africa-Native America-Oceania

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: The course examines the arts-visual cultures of Africa, Native North America, and Oceania (Pacific Islands).  It investigates from a global perspective the impact of historic encounters between the western world and non-European cultures. This interdisciplinary course engages lecture, assigned readings, cinema, literary traditions, and field trips to view exhibits.

  • ARTH 4183 - Visual Arts of Africa

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Survey of the arts of the African continent from pre-historic to the modern era; African aesthetic traditions in relation to social and cultural contexts.

  • ARTH 4185 - African American Art

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Introduction to African American visual expression and culture from Colonial to the modern era, including fine arts, photography, film and popular culture.

  • ARTH 4195 - Proseminar Art History

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Investigation of selected topics in art history with emphasis on development of research techniques and methodologies. Oral presentation and writing of thesis paper. PREREQUISITE: senior status with 18 semester hours in art history.

  • ARTH 4197 - Adv Indiv Research/ARTH

    Credit Hours: (3)
    May be repeated for credit when topic varies. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

  • ARTH 4230 - Art History Internship

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Practical experience within approved professional work environment. Must be pre-approved by advisor. May be repeated

  • ARTH 4381 - Art Curatorial Techniques

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Curatorial responsibilities and functions: receiving and shipping methods, registration, physical and environmental security, research, conservation, and study of art market and publications.

  • ARTH 4386 - Introduction to Museums

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: History of museums and how they function in society; development of major collections and roles of museums as centers of research, education, and as interpreters of social values; presentations by museum professionals and visits to area museums. Cross listing: (Same as HIST 4386 ).

  • ARTH 4660 - Museum Collections

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Theory, methods, collection policy, development, preservation, documentation, interpretation of museum collections. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor. Cross listing: (Same as ANTH 4660 )

  • ARTH 4661 - Collections Research

    Credit Hours: (3)
  • ARTH 4662 - Museum Exhibitions

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Exhibition methods and theory, including research, design, layout, object selection and handling, installation, public programming and evaluation. May not be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor. Cross listing: (Same as ANTH 4662 )

  • ARTH 4721 - History Photography I

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Survey of history and theory of photography since its invention in the 19th century.

  • ARTH 4722 - History Photography II

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Historical and critical issues in photography from World War I to the present.


  • BIOL 1010 - Biology of Cells**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: General overview of cellular structure and function, genes, and prokaryotic biodiversity. NOTE: credit will not apply toward a major or minor in the sciences, nor will it satisfy any part of science requirements for preprofessional curricula. Three lecture hours per week. [G]

  • BIOL 1011 - Biology of Cells Lab **

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Explores principles and applications of basic biology through laboratory experiments, observations and demonstrations; emphasis on cellular structure, function and diversity and on introductory genetics. NOTE: credit will not apply toward a major or minor in the sciences, nor will it satisfy any requirements for pre-professional curricula. Two laboratory hours per week. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: BIOL 1010 . [G]

  • BIOL 1020 - Biology of Organisms**

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: General overview of life; emphasis on structure and function of organisms and biosphere. NOTE: credit will not apply toward a major or minor in the sciences, nor will it satisfy any part of science requirements for pre-professional curricula. BIOL 1010 is not a prerequisite for this course. Three lecture hours per week. [G]

  • BIOL 1021 - Biology of Organisms Lab **

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Laboratory observations, demonstrations and experiments designed to apply scientific methods to lecture subjects. NOTE: Credit will not apply toward a major or minor in the sciences, nor will it satisfy any requirements for pre-professional curricula. Two laboratory hours per week. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: BIOL 1020 . [G]

  • BIOL 1110 - General Biology I

    Credit Hours: (3)
    Description: Unifying principles of biology with emphasis on cell structure, cell function, heredity, development and evolution. NOTE: course designed for students majoring in the natural sciences or pursuing a preprofessional program. Three lectures hours per week. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 1110 . PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: BIOL 1111 . [G]

  • BIOL 1111 - General Biology I Lab

    Credit Hours: (1)
    Description: Investigative laboratories in introductory cell and molecular biology with emphasis on experimental theory and design, practical laboratory skills; interpretation of data; documentation and communication of laboratory work. NOTE: course designed for students majoring in the natural sciences or pursuing a pre-professional program. Three laboratory hours per week PREREQUISITE: CHEM 1110 . PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: BIOL 1110 . [G]


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